Wednesday, October 03, 2007

People have issues

Yesterday I sent out an email that I received from a friend about some puppies that were abandoned, and looking for homes. A few people called after I sent the email and we found out the puppies had already found homes, which was great, but sad for those who were looking for puppies. So, I get this email today from a woman I have never heard of:

I don't know who this chick is, but 2 people were interested at this office,& no one called backIf it's some hoax, it's not at all funnyKeep your damn pictures

My response:

1. I don't know you nor did I send this email to you personally, so please don't come at me the way you just did. It's rude, as is referring to woman as chicks.
2. It's not a hoax, the dogs have already found good homes which I found out after sending the email out. Since I was not the one who sent it to you, I couldn't exactly let you know that now, could I? I'm sure the woman has received tons of calls and that is why she didn't call back. Take your aggression out on someone else and lose my email address. Thank you.

I mean.. for real!? She really sent me that email... I have no idea who this woman is and WHO DOES THAT?! So, whichever of you morons in my inbox sent this to her (let me know if you want to know who it is.. I'd love to splash her name all over my blog but god knows what could happen), you're dead :)

NOTE: She apologized in an email after I sent this one. Apparently the whole thing started in her office and it had nothing to do with me. Again.. karma... and killing 'em with kindness... Still.. who does that!?

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