Monday, October 08, 2007

Kerplunking for Earl

No, you won't get the title of this post quite yet.. but stick around and it might all make sense.

I woke up early Saturday morning so I could make it to New Hampshire with plenty of time to primp before I had to head to the ceremony for my friend Maki's wedding. I made great time (I thought it would take three and a half hours and it took barely 3) and we were earlier than expected for the ceremony, which is better than being late! The ceremony was very nice.. I believe it was in the church the bride has always wanted to get married in and it was full of unexpected twists and turns, all leading to the culmination with a kiss. And let me tell you, it was the longest and sweetest kiss I've ever seen at a wedding. I think people started leaving before it was over. It was THAT long..

I'm not sure what I think of the bride. She had called me one day while I was at the race track in Saratoga to get my address. However, I thought she was my friend Eryn, so I was probably not quite as.. well.. funny to her as I was to me (and would have been to Eryn). Eryn was at Camden Yards that day (she's a Red Sox fan) and was constantly calling me with game updates (btw - the O's ended up winning thanks to Kevin Millar - talk about salt in the Red Sox wound eh?! ) so when the phone rang AGAIN with a 603 area code, I just assumed it was her. Well, it was Maki's soon to be wife, which I didn't realize until after the conversation was over and Eryn called me again. Anyway, while going through the receiving line, I tried to apologize and make light of the situation but she kind of gave me this weird look and that was about it. Let's just say that we didn't speak for the rest of the time. I apologized profusely, but apparently that wasn't enough! Oh well, it's her day.

The reception was not quite what I'm used to. It took place on Maki's family farm, underneath a few tents. We stopped to get beer on the way, as no one knew if it was cash bar, open bar or BYOB. Luckily, I picked out Mich Light and that is what they were serving at the reception (cash bar, but we did get a few freebies in our plastic souvenir mug), so Eryn and I kept walking back and forth to the car to fill up our glasses. It was a long walk down a dirt road in heels and that was a bit much. Shortly thereafter, I changed into my flip flops. I never did change my outfit.. I was pretty comfortable in my dress. It did start to downpour about halfway through the reception so I took another trip back to the car and got my sweater (and oh yes, another beer). We didn't end up staying too long at the reception which was fine with me. I felt pretty good and was looking forward to a good night of sleeping. It's a shame they didn't decide to have the ceremony at the farm because the view and foliage were absolutely beautiful! It was a beautiful day and even the rain didn't dampen anyone's spirits. Everyone had a great time and we even managed to cut a rug on the dance floor before I had to go.

My dress was a little low so I kept pulling it up to make sure I was flashing "church boob" as opposed to "night out boob." Well, I managed to get a few bug bites at the reception so my friend Jess was trying to cover me up. She was attempting to tell me the bugs might go spelunking in my cleavage if it was showing, however she said "kerplunking." She'll never live it down. I haven't seen my friends from college in quite some time so they were trying to get me to bring them up to speed on the J. situation. As I bought them up to speed, Jess and Amy were trying to make sure that while I am hanging out with J occasionally, that I'm not missing out on any other opportunities (Sadly, I'm not). For some reason, Jess used the name "Earl" to describe my nonexistent next boyfriend so from now on, I'm kerplunking for Earl.. I feel so bad for the next guy I date. He'll have no clue as to why my friends refer to him as Earl.

I laid pretty low on Sunday after the three hour drive home. I tried to hit the outlets in Lee but I drove around for 10 minutes and still didn't find a parking spot, so I gave up. When I got home I settled in on the couch and watched Knocked Up. I wasn't sure what to expect but I thought it was great! I laughed my ass off and really enjoyed it. I really like Katherine Heigl and I just thought all the guys in it were hysterical. I wasn't a very big fan of "The Forty Year Old Virgin" so I never thought I'd enjoy "Knocked Up," but I really did. I might even give Superbad a shot! J bought 1408 over later on that night, which I'd been dying to see. I mean, John Cusack AND Samuel L. Jackson!? What more could you ask for? It was.. interesting! I think I have to see it again in all honesty. It was one of those movies I'm not sure I totally got, but it didn't stop me from enjoying it. J, not so much.. He made it through about an hour before he fell asleep. Some things never change. He and I have been talking and hanging out more lately and I'm not quite sure what to think. I asked him today why it feels like we're together, just without the pesky "boyfriend-girlfriend" title. His response was that he doesn't feel that way because we're still only talking like once or twice a week. Then he asked me to help him pick out a suit on Saturday. I can't win..

I had today off and it was GREAT! I slept until 9:30 (after being woken up at 7:45 by a huge crash of thunder!) and headed to the gym with Tre around 10:30 or so. She kicked my ass! We upped our weight, but lowered our reps. I was exhausted after we got done but there was no time for a nap, as Fish had invited us over for a roast beef lunch. I love eating at Fish's.. That girl can cook! It was wonderful and got me nice and full so I could go to the grocery store. While at the store, I spent the whole time texting with Jason because he insists that moment is spelled "molment." Oh god, I wish I was kidding, but I'm not. He is DEAD serious and really thinks that's how it's spelled. He's consistently trying to get me to go home with him after bowling so he has tried to bet me "a night" that he's right. I told him I was so confident that he was wrong that I would take the bet. I told him to let me know when he realizes he's wrong. Surprisingly, he hasn't gotten back to me yet. I spent the rest of the day doing laudry and switching out my winter and summer clothes, even though it's still kind of warm out. My parents are having a yard sale at our house on Saturday so I wanted to make sure I went through everything I had before then. I think today was my only day to do so. Now here I sit, watching Dancing with the Stars and getting ready to watch Heroes. I know, live vicariously through me... it's a good time!

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