Friday, October 12, 2007

The things you can find

My parents are holding a garage sale at my house this weekend, so my garage is FILLED with all these things they've pulled out of their attic and basement that my mom wanted me to look at and decide if I wanted to keep. My standpoint is that I haven't seen it in the three or more years since I moved out of my parent's house, so it was a good bet that I wouldn't want it. However, I had forgotten about the few months I lived back at home in between our apartment debacle and my sister buying the house. So, I found the rollers I'd been looking for last weekend (ya know, to give my 'do a little poof for the wedding) and all my dance shoes that I thought were lost and gone forever. I had looked for my tap shoes last year, but to no avail so I had to borrow my cousin Lindsey's to take my tap class! I may never use them again, but it's nice to know they're there. I also found an autographed Cal Ripken picture (which no one in my family would have sold or thrown away) and some shoes I had forgotten I had. I let go of my cowboy boots though. Grantd, they were great for Halloween and all, but I don't see my line dancing period of life coming back to haunt me, so someone might come out of the yard sale with a pair of slightly used cowboy boots for real cheap! There are TONS of size 12 pants and jeans so if anyone knows of someone who's a 12, they could revamp their whole wardrobe for a pittance! The yard sale was supposed to start today but the downpours that lasted through the early afternoon put a damper (hee hee.. get it.. DAMPer) on the festivities. Mom will go at it tomorrow and then I persuaded her to use the proceeds to hit up the outlets in Harriman on Sunday. Guess that means I should help out a little bit... Ugh...

If you know anyone who's a Transformers fan, click here. I had to do it for J., and I ended up laughing my ass off just listening to it. I know nothing about the Transformers but the name "frenzy" was just too good to not use.

In great TV news, Seth Green has landed a guest spot on Grey's Anatomy... As if McDreamy and McSteamy weren't enough.. In not so great TV news... ok.. you all know how much I adore this show so I'm not even going to pretend I don't.. The Real Housewives of Orange County will be back on November 6, but WITHOUT original pseudo housewife Jo De La Rosa and her creepy ex-fiance/manager Slade Smiley (seriously.. that CAN'T be his real name). Then again, Jo never really was a housewife.. but not the point. A new housewife has been slated to join the ladies and I'm excited, because I thought this show's run was over. Again.. I LOVE me some Bravo.. it has to be the best channel out there. I adore Jeana Keough.. she's so down to earth and knows how good she's got it and actually does work for what she's got. And she named her daughter Kara....

Heading into the weekend.. meeting some friends for drinks after bowling tonight, where I'm picking out my early Christmas present (duh.. a bowling ball - there's one named "attitude" which I think is totally me). I can't stay out too late as I have to get up and help out at the aforementioned yard sale tomorrow morning. Then I bail on my mom to get a massage, hit the gym and go suit shopping with J. It's gonna be one hell of a weekend. Hope you enjoy yours as much as I (hopefully) enjoy mine!

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