Sunday, January 20, 2008


That was the title of the email my mom sent me, because it included this picture:

Yep.. that was my face on Friday. And it was worse just a few hours prior. My eyes were so swollen that you couldn't see the whites and there was no way you would have known what color my eyes are. In the last year or so I've had reactions to red food dye.. but nothing drastic, just some swollen lips or something, always going away pretty quickly. Well, Thursday night I tried this tropical punch drink, then I wasn't feeling 100% so I took some Nyquil. I felt the inside of my bottom lip starting to swell up before I went to bed but I figured I'd sleep for seven or so hours and it would go away. I woke up around 2:30 and was fine.. I woke up again at 4:45 and I was fine. When my alarm went off at 6:30, I couldn't even get to my eyes to wipe the sleep out of them. They were THAT swollen. I really didn't think it was that bad until I went downstairs and Tre and Fish started laughing at me cause I really did look chinese. More so than Tre in her drunken "Mei Ling" phase, if you can believe that! Anyway, I took some benadryl (dye free) and went to work, as I knew I'd be the only one there. I waited for my co-worker to get there and told her I was going home. I couldn't even concentrate or really focus my eyes too well. She begged me to go home cause she said I was painful to look at. I didn't take it personally. So, I went home and put a cold pack on my eyes and took some more benadryl. I really thought the swelling had gone down considerably but when I got to bowling the first thing I was asked was "who hit me?" I just told everyone that considering what I looked like 12 hours prior, this was TONS better!

Regardless of my swollen face, my sister and I went down to Poughkeepsie to hang out with our friend Stephanie. We went to this bar, Mahoney's and had a pretty good time. Granted, it's tough to be the sober one. I didn't want to drink just because I wasn't feeling 100% and I was finishing up the Medifast thing, and you're not supposed to drink on it. So.... I learned my lesson and will drink the next time.. but it was nice to sleep in my own bed, especially since we didn't get home until 4:30 in the morning. I was in bed till 2 pm.. not sleeping the whole time.. just lounging. J came down and we went to dinner... yep.. real dinner.. Granted, I was pretty good. I had a grilled chicken sandwich with fries and I only ate half of both. Maybe this diet shrunk my stomach or something! Then, J, Tre and I went to see Sweeney Todd. I really liked it. It's a really dark story and I wasn't sure how it was going to end. I wish it had come around sooner, that's for sure. I'm not a huge Johnny Depp fan. I mean, I think he's talented, but not that attractive. I know people fawn over him but that's not me. However, considering he had no vocal training for that role, I think he was great. Go see it if you can. Another movie I watched this weekend was Million Dollar Baby.. I hadn't seen it but thanks to an episode of The Office, I knew how it ended, which I think kind of ruined it for me, but I still really enjoyed it.

Today is Sunday, which is football playoff day. Friends of mine are having a party so I'll stop over there for a while. I'm just getting all my stuff done around the house.. laundry.. grocery shopping.. and now putting all my recipes into a binder. Oh yeah.. I'm a regular Suzie Homemaker. I have to get it all done today because unlike most people, I have to work tomorrow.. I shouldn't bitch, it's not like I worked too hard on Friday, right? Anyway, that's all that's going on here.. enjoy your long weekend and I'll try to update soon!

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