Wednesday, January 16, 2008


That's how has started my day, for many reasons, which I'll list right here:

RENT is closing on June 1st... Granted, I already saw it (with Joey Fatone playing the role of Mark) but still.. I adore the show and was happy to see the movie do it justice, although that could be cause the original players (most of them at least) starred in the movie. Anyway, RIP Rent, the 7th longest running Broadway show...

One of my favorite movies is Grease 2. Oh yeah.. I'll admit it. One of those reasons is Maxwell Caulfield.. All studded up in leather for his Sandy-esque transformation into a bike riding bad boy. He also had the sense of humor to spoof himself and his image just a tad in Empire Records. Anyway, that was quite some time ago and here he is now... and then.. I know.. people age, but I just wanted him to stay young forever..

Matthew McConaughey is going to be a daddy... and it's not to my illegitimate child. Isn't that enough?

In other daddy news.. David Spade allegedly knocked up a 22 year old playmate, who I'm sure we've seen on The Girls Next Door, Jillian Grace. It's not official, but he at least confirms they've done it and that if it is his, he'll take full responsibility.. Eddie Murphy could learn a lesson or two from David Spade... Did I really just say that?

Pseudo kid actor Brad Renfro was found dead at his home in LA... Seems he'd been having lots of trouble with drugs the last few years, but the cause of death has not yet been determined. He starred in The Client with Susan Sarandon and Apt Pupil.

Reno 911 finally comes back with new episodes tonight on Comedy Central. I've mentioned this show and it's creators several times, cause I LOVED The State on MTV. If you haven't seen any episodes, you're missing out. It's some of the best humor you can find on cable TV.

The O's already have players going down for the count. I mean.. like we have time for that!

Last night J and I watched Black X-Mas.. Obviously, his choice. Pretty nasty and gorey, but very B-movie, not that I expected less. I was shocked by all the horror any mayhem you could provide with Christmas decorations though...

Tonight is a big night.. Wu-Tang takes on the Tangerine Beavers. We've been wanting to play this team for a while cause I think we'll be pretty evenly matched. Hell, we might even lose, but we plan on putting up one hell of a fight. We know it's not gonna be a walk in the park and I think in some weird way, we're actually looking forward to it. I hope to give up the update on that tomorrow...

I've gotta get some stuff done, but if the morning is any indication, I could be back with some afternoon news. Hump 'em if you got 'em!

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