Thursday, January 10, 2008

I give up

I've thrown down the white flag in surrender. The me and veggies thing. NOT going to happen. Our relationship rates right up there with that of Buffy and Glory on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (the TV show, not the movie... although that would be funny since Kristy Swanson is a spokesperson for Medifast... but anyway...) We are mortal enemies and that's just the way life was meant to be. Will this derail my Medifasting? I hope not. I'm cynical enough about it as it is, I don't need any help. This is going to be the longest month of my life. I realized this morning that my friend's Superbowl party is on the last day of my diet. Well.. I mean second to last ;).

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Maybe Jessica Seinfeld will be your savior...opening up unto you a whole new wonderland of vitamins & nutrients via beet puree cupcakes and cinnamon yam cookies.