Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Strike 2

Cauliflower is a no-go. I repeat... ixnay on the caulifloweray... I really wonder if my aversion to veggies is a texture thing. I tried to puree the cauliflower in a blender but my blender(s) just weren't having it. I think that might have made a slight difference. Again, I choked it down.. literally... and didn't even finish it. I gave it the good old college try, but it was to no avail. At the store I bought a yellow pepper, red pepper, steamfresh garlic cauliflower, steamfresh broccoli and yellow summer squash. I'm not saying any of those are going to work, but I'm trying. Give me some credit.

I went to Wal-Mart tonight to try and find a George Foreman grill, but they were all out. However, I did find the controversial Jessica Seinfeld book, Deceptively Delicious. I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but we'll see how it works. I think KNOWING the veggies are in there defeats the purpose, but I'm willing to try anything.

Congrats go out to Goose Gossage for finally getting inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. He's been on the ballot for quite a while and is the only player to make it in this year.

J is here and he's bugging me and I can't tell him what I need to finish. I told him it was personal and he was like "ok, really.. what are you finishing?" I couldn't exactly say "oh.. the blog you get mentioned on at least three times a week." :) He went to the car so I have a slight chance to finish this up. Late soccer game tomorrow night, but I'll try to post at some point tomorrow if I can. If not, soccer update on Thursday!!!!

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