Monday, January 14, 2008

Only time will tell

Friday was a BAD Medifast Day. I really almost threw in the towel. I was just insanely frustrated and wanted to eat real food sooooo badly! Over the weekend mom came up with some recipes that helped, but I'm still only doing it for another week. Maybe only until Friday, as I have some plans this weekend. I've definitely realized what I need to do as far as snacking and eating dinner and stuff, so I think once I finish this I'll just do a modified weight watchers or count calories or something. I lost four pounds in this first week on Medifast which is good (don't get me wrong) but I think I expected at least five or more, what with all that I'm NOT eating and my time in the gym. I'm just frustrated and having a hard time sticking it out. Don't get me wrong, the plan works! It's just a little harder than I anticipated.

I went to J's on Friday night after bowling, as there was less of a chance I'd have something to drink there than if I went out with my friends that night. The next morning he was like "Well, we can't go to breakfast..." so I told him ONE MORE WEEK, as I love breakfast.. I just probably won't continue to get a sausage and cheese omelette and an english muffin dripping with butter.. MMM... butter.. Saturday I went to the gym and basically hung out, doing nothing. J came over Saturday night, and we played Super Mario Bros 2, that I downloaded to the Wii.. it's amazing what you remember, as neither of us have played that game in YEARS! It was an entertaining way to spend an hour or so. I also watched Mighty Aphrodite before he got there. It was actually a Woody Allen movie I could tolerate, although Mira Sorvino's accent was atrocious! I can't believe she won an Oscar for that role... Sunday I meant to go to the gym, but I woke up with a crazy headache and decided against it. I went to my goddaughter's basketball game, then went bowling with my dad. I actually bowled decent, which is a nice change from the norm lately. I might have to skip it this Friday. Maybe a week off will do me some good. Anyway, last night I was at my parent's house for dinner and that was the extent of it. Big weekend! ha ha.

I have a dilemma and maybe someone can help me with it. Tre and I live in between two houses. The house to our right (as you're looking at the house) has two adorable pugs, who only come outside a few times a day with someone that lives in the house. The other side, has a Bassett Hound and a large Poodle. The poodle is the issue. He jumps over the fence and constantly bares his teeth and barks NON STOP! He's been doing the barking thing since we moved in, but the jumping over the fence thing is kind of new. Well, jumping over it isn't... how close he gets to you is new. He used to get about five feet and then he'd stop dead in his tracks and just bark. Now he gets right up next to you. I don't know if he would really bite anyone, but he bares his teeth and looks pretty menacing. I usually chase him across the fence with a shovel. The fence is a wire one, and it's been worn down from the dog putting his front legs on it. Now if he sees anyone outside he runs across the yard and takes a flying leap over it. It's a little scary to see him jump over the fence and come right at you! Anyway, when I came home from the gym on Saturday, he was in my driveway and I almost hit him. Apparently he had gotten into our yard, behind the garage and into the neighbor's yard, where the pugs were outside with the teenage daughter of the family that lives there. I guess the poodle went after her and she was on the phone with the cops when I got there. I don't know what, if anything happened with that, but no cop was ever seen in the area and no one came to our door. So, I'm wondering what the best cause of action would be. I mean, the owner of the dog has to know what's going on. She's seen the fence for god's sake! I don't know if the cops will really do anything, or if I should call Animal Control or what. I don't want anything to happen to the dog, I just really want to give the owner a scare. I mean, there IS a leash law so when he's in our yard, he's violating that. It's not my job to keep her dog out of my yard, it's her job to keep him in hers, am I right? Anyway, if anyone has any insight, please feel free to let me know. What's funny is, the neighbor has this beautiful wooden fence up on the front of the property. Then, once you can't see it from the road it's this flimsy wire mess. Why would you stop!?

The Colts lost to the Chargers yesterday 28-24. I'm insanely disappointed, to say the least. I told J it's because I didn't have a Peyton Manning jersey to wear while the game was on. He begs to differ..

OOOH... I caught up on Project Runway.. Bat shit crazy Elisa got booted during the Hershey's challenge (they could make their outfit out of anything they could find in the Hershey's store in Times Square) because her outfit looked like.. well.. shit. Plain and simple. Jillian was the only one to use real food on her outfit (licorice) and it turned out OK, but I don't think it was worth all the trouble it caused! The following week, the challenge was to make a prom dress for some pretty tough customers. From the get-go you knew Christian was gonna have a hard time. He's a diva and so was his client. He made her look.. well... it was an ugly dress. Everything about it was ugly AND he threw her under the bus for it.. Bottom two anyone!? The shocker in the bottom two (and subsequent "auf"ing) was Kevin! Granted, his dress wasn't finished to the Judges liking and she looked a tad hippy, but I didn't think that he was going home. I will miss my random straight man on the show! And oh yeah.... I love me some Rami but WOW... someone gets defensive and can't take criticism... That's all I'll say as it looks like this point will rear it's ugly head again next week.

Luckily, the snow we expected didn't come.. or at least not as much as was forecast. I marveled at the winter wonderland on the way to work (the trees look so much prettier with snow on them) and didn't slide all over the road, so I was a happy camper. However, (obviously) not much to do here today so I'll see what I can do about posting some entertaining things I can find... Try to make it through your Monday.. I'm gonna go microwave myself some soup..

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