Thursday, August 09, 2007

Making it through Day 2

I perused some web sites that are supposed to give you nutritional information on all sorts of food, from chain restaurants to packaged food in the store. It was very interesting to read the ponts values of foods I would eat. Disturbing actually. I now have to go to the store and stock up so I can actually start cooking food, something I'm not too skilled at. I guess a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

I got a wicked sunburn on my neck this weekend and I MEANT to put aloe on it on Monday, but I forgot. Last night after I got back from the gym, my neck felt... bubbly. But I thought nothing of it considering how much I had sweated at the gym. Anyway, I get to work this morning and my co-worker quicly told me that my entire neck was peeling. I've spent the entire day slathering lotion on my neck. Sexy...

I'm usually too busy watching the Office and Grey's Anatomy, so today is the first time I've ever watched a full episode of CSI. It's not a bad show.. Forensic Science and all my other forensic type classes were my favorite in college, so this stuff totally intrigues me. I think I missed my calling... I'm talking forensic psych (of which my school had a great program) not forensic sciences. While forensic science was the first science class I ever got a "A" in, I don't think I could have made a career of it!

Tomorrow night I'm getting together with my friend Jeremy.. I've known him for over 10 years and we've kind of reconnected through my friend Tim. I'm not quite sure what the plan is or what it means.. I see it as two friends getting together and I'm sure he sees it as the same thing... but I admit, he's pretty attractive and I wouldn't be against it if he thought differently! So, between that, Team Track Day on the 12th (my softball team is going to Saratoga Racetrack) and a bbq my sister seems to want to have at our house, I doubt I'll be posting again until at least Monday. I'll do my best. Enjoy your weekend!!!

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