Monday, August 20, 2007

Amy yelled at me

so I figured I'd better post SOMETHING and get back on her good side. I apologize for the delay, but it was a very busy weekend:

FRIDAY: Early that morning I got a text from my friend Sarah begging me to play ball with her in Troy that night. I had nothing better to do, so I said yes. Silly me. The game was at 6:15 and I played ok... nothing all star caliber, but I didn't completely suck. Well, we lost, mainly because our shortstop couldn't field a ball if it had Elmer's Glue on it and our outfielders didn't get the point of calling the ball. Maybe it was just a bad night. It was Friday after all. Anyway, the minute the game was over the "coach" says to me "you can play Tuesday at 8, right?" He kind of caught me off guard so I said yes. I then realized I would be playing for my friend Sarah, so now I'll know no one. It sucks, but I agreed to it and hopefully we'll win. Even if it's not my team, I hate to lose! That afternoon I had lunch with my friends Petra and Eileen. I used to work with them and Petra moved to DC on Saturday, so this was our last chance. I was a little peeved that I wasted my points on the grilled chicken sandwich cause it tasted like burnt ass. I didn't even have fries, but I made up for it later with a chicken nugget happy meal on my way home from the game. Yum! I spent the rest of the night watching DVR'd shows and finally made it to bed around midnight...

SATURDAY: Saratoga!! Got up early and headed out to the race-ino. I ended up winning $15.00 which was more than I expected. I hate slots so I figured I'd put $20 in and end up with nothing, but I was pleasantly surprised when I was able to waste an hour AND have things go my way. We then hightailed it to the race track and after Danny had to go back to the car (I told him no bottles) and Tre spilled the cooler, we made it to our spot. Michele had really done a great job. The spot she got wasn't far from the track, or the bachelor party a lot of our buddies were at. We spent the day betting (and some of us winning - I got my big win off a horse no one believed in... named Touchdown Peyton), drinking and eating. Well, I didn't drink as I was driving our friend's car home for him. I got to the car with Danny, Tre, Tre's friend Allyson and our friend Billy in tow to find the trunk and back seat were jam packed. Oh the packing they did to get everything to fit in the car. I wish I had taken a picture of Tre, Al and Billy jammed into one of the back seats, as the cooler was on the other. Entertaining.. We ended up at Meadowgreens with the bachelor party and after dinner and a drink, I decided to go home. I was exhausted and definitely not drunk enough to be hanging out with all those guys. I got a phone call at 12:30 to pick them up because my sister was talking to this girl who has singlehandedly ruined my cousin's relationship with her boyfriend... Apparently Tre told her she wasn't a fan of her and they started talking and the girl tried to plead her case. Well, she had her best shot with Tre cause she hates conflict and confrontation. When I showed up I got right between them and told Tre it was time to go. They both kept trying to talk to each other and I wasn't having it. THEN, this girl gave ME attitude and I almost shoved my foot right up her ass. I mean.. I'm standing in Meadowgreens in my pajamas trying to get my drunk sister out of the bar and you're gonna give me shit? I don't think so.. Luckily, she went into the bathrom (presumably to call my cousin's boyfriend, which didn't go well for her. She was crying later on that night.. Yeah.. poor baby) and I managed to get everyone out and home in one piece. I made a ton of money that night. Sometimes it pays to be sober.

SUNDAY: Pretty lazy day.. I got up and was instantly distracted by an America's Next Top Model marathon (sometimes I adore MTV) but I sucked it up to go to the gym. I even ran. I don't run. Granted, I ran for a minute at a time, but I did it five times.. Baby steps.. work with me here. After that I watched Top Chef with my sister. A do-over? For real?! I don't know, I think it was pretty impossible for the judges to pick the shittiest person cause they were all pretty shitty and I'm very interested to see what kinds of changes are made. And oh yeah.. the annoying guy in Restaurant Garage who said the food tasted like metal? Madonna's brother, Christopher Ciccone. I shit you not. Anyway, after Top Chef I showered and headed out to my Godmother's 60th birthday party. It was good to see her daughter and kids and of course, Barbara. I even got into some great reality TV conversations with Maureen, who come to find out reads the blog. See... no one believes I have fans... screw you all!!!! After that it was time to head home, have a slice of pizza (thank you Tre for ordering it for dinner) and practically pass out. OOH.. and I watched gymnastics on TV. It's my favorite part (besides diving) of the Summer Olympics and when it's on TV I just can't turn way. It's kind of like a train wreck but way more satisfying. I always wanted to be a gymnast when I was a little but for some reason, it didn't happen. Perhaps it was my weak ankles, I don't know. I can still do a one handed cartwheel though, if persuaded and drunk enough... at least I think I can..

I got up and went to the gym this morning. I'm exhausted.. That whole getting up at 5:30 thing for no good reason is just.. well.. not fun! I was the first person at the gym and something is very wrong with that too. The only nice thing is that I don't have to ruin my whole night by going to the gym. I have to remind myself of that when I get bitter about it.

A few tidbits to get you through your day, as I have a ball game tonight and will more than likely be a tad too exhausted to blog later on:

Kristen Bell will make some appearances on Heroes. If anyone can crack the Heroes code it has to be Veronica Mars!

Flight of the Conchords has been renewed for another season, along with Entourage. I never mean to watch it, but I usually catch it during the week and while I can't seem to make it through a whole episode, there are funny bits. Jemaine is a bit scary though, I'm not going to lie.

Holy Big Brother 8! The plan worked and Dustin was voted out instead of Evil Dick, who is still going to be in the house for another week as his daughter Daniele won Head of Household for the second time. She nominated Jameka and Amber for eviction last night. They are the only remaining members of the Late Night Club (well, ones that still held true to their alliance) but Daniele let on that their evictions are really only a ploy to get Jen evicted. That Daniele is a sneaky little bugger!I didn't like her at first and I still don't, but I respect what she's doing in the game. She's not a mean person (at least not to people's faces) and she tries to distance herself from her Dad when it suits her. If she gets lucky it'll end up her and ED in the final and NO ONE is going to let ED win... No one!

Oh yeah.. did anyone else shit a brick when Tommy jumped over the side of the building while trying to console poor suicidal Mike (Probie)? I thought it had to be a dream sequence of something but he really did jump over the side, but it was only to scare the shit out of Mikey, who wasn't even drinking vodka. Plus, what kind of vodka is that or does everyone in the NYFD have their own vodka container in their freezer? Does it come with the apartment!?

My boss is on vacation, so I hope to be able to blog a little bit during the day this week, but I make no promises. One of those days my co-worker and I get to go shopping for decorations for the office. We just moved in a few months ago and the walls are pretty bare. There are definitely worse ways to spend a work day.

I hope I've satisfied those of you that have been waiting with baited breath for a new post. Enjoy your gloomy Monday...

PS - I know I've been slacking on my Orioles information but my XM is being a pain in the ass so I haven't been able to listen to a lot of games and get some information. (Speaking of which, if anyone knows anything about XM, drop me a line - it keeps saying antenna and nothing comes through. It's REALLY annoying). The O's did sign their first round draft pick Matt Wieters (C) though. That's pretty impressive that Angelos shelled out the dough. Let's hope he continues to do so with franchise players.

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