Monday, August 13, 2007

Ah, reality

Jessica nominated Dick and Daniele for eviction on Big Brother. Dick is going to be a menace to the house and I'd honestly be surprised if it wasn't a unanimous vote for him to go.. IF he doesn't get the Power of Veto. I doubt anyone would use it on either of them if they did win it. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt in the beginning of the season, but now I just see him as a douchebag.

I got tickets to So You Think You Can Dance AND Daughtry.. I'm so excited.. My ex (the knocker upper) however, is not. ALLEGEDLY I said I would get him a ticket if I got one. I vaguely remember saying that, but I thought he meant if I couldn't find anyone else to go with me. I found other people to go with me, so he was out. He flipped his shit on me (it was actually kind of entertaining) and I rationally tried to explain the situation to him but it was to no avail. Let me point out this is the same guy who texted me the day before to ask if it would be awkward if his new girlfriend (not the baby momma) came to bowling. If you're so worried about her seeing me at bowling, how do you think you telling her you're going to a concer with me would go over? Yes.. like a fart in church.. Exactly! So basically, I did him a favor. He just doesn't see it that way yet, but he will. The funniest thing is that apparently this girl knows nothing about me or our history.. She is so in for a rude awakening. I told him I wasn't going to change what I say or do just because she's there so it's not me he has to worry about.. it's her. Sometimes men can be so..... stupid.

Tonight is the premiere of The Hills on MTV at 10 and the results show for So You Think You Can Dance. Hmm.. maybe I really will have to hustle to see my friend so I can get home in time. I totally forgot both those were on tonight. Now I'll have to stay up until 11 and I don't know if that's possible! I'll manage. Make sure to watch and enjoy! The SYTYCD finale starts Wednesday.

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