Thursday, August 16, 2007

Gotta love it

I've always said Hudson is a bit of a gay mecca what with all our antique stores and close proximity to the city, but this takes the cake. I don't know if I've ever laughed so hard in my life.

J. got me a birthday present: Entourage - First season on DVD. He says it's because we're friends and I appreciate it but it's just a tad.... weird. I'm really excited about it though because it's one of those things I'm meaning to buy but never do for myself.

I'm really going to miss So You Think You Can Dance... they're redoing all the routines that everyone loved all season, which makes me even more excited to see the show (for free might I add, since I got someone to buy my tickets off me). They've eliminated Lacey so now it's between Danny, Sabra and Neil. Sabra and Neil are my favorites, but I have this feeling it's going to be Danny. As I've said, I'm happy with whoever wins, as they're all really amazing dancers.

I felt much better as the day went on, but it was a tough one. Once noon hits tomorrow I'm going to be a very happy girl. I'm having lunch with my friend Petra (i used to work with her), as tomorrow is her last day at Hodgson Russ before she moves to DC. I'm really looking forward to it and I wish her the best of luck. I know how excited she is about the move and I know she'll do well there.

I borrowed Zodiac from J. I can't WAIT to watch it. We were always supposed to go see it at the drive-in, but he insisted I wouldn't stay awake. It's almost three hours long, so he was probably right, but I'll never tell him so (don't worry.. he knows NOTHING about this blog).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That website is TOO funny!