Friday, December 29, 2006

Payday Friday is the best day in the world

Today is a short day for me so I can only manage a short post. Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?

Last night we went to the Moosehead for wings and Moose fries. They were way better than normal because they are the last ones I’ll be having for a very long while. Starting Tuesday I will be an avid gym rat and I’ll be back on Weight Watchers. Yes.. I do this every year and every year it works… until I think I know what I’m doing, fall off the wagon and manage to gain all the weight back before the end of the year. I had a slight excuse this year what with the job and schedule change, but still. So my mom and I are in a competition of sorts. We’re not going to actually go weigh in at Weight Watchers, we’re going to throw $5 in the pot every week and whoever loses the most in a month, wins the money. Money is one hell of a motivator (especially for me) and the fact that none of my clothes fit and I have to wear a bridesmaid dress at the end of June. And oh yeah.. I can’t go to Ireland all fat and such!!! So, my early morning trips to the gym will be starting up again and Tre has agreed to write up some sort of gym routine for me, as apparently cardio isn’t enough. I admit, it does make me feel better and armed with my new Ipod I won’t have to listen to the heavy smoker hack away on the treadmill next to me. For some reason he hasn’t realized that quitting smoking might cause him not to sound like death warmed over the second he gets on a cardio machine! Poor J. is going to suffer though. He’s used to us going out to eat pretty often and it’s gonna be about… hmm.. one night a week! Oh well, maybe this will help us out with that whole “let’s cook more” thing we tried to start about a month ago.

Looks like tomorrow night I’ll be going to dinner with J., his brother and sister in law. They are going to Florida for 10 days and we’re pretty much watching their house and dogs. After the last time, I will make sure none of my stuff is on the floor, as the dog ate my flip flop and I had to drive home with only one shoe. NOT fun.. or easy at 3:00 in the morning. Well, J. is really watching them, I think they just assume I’m along for the ride, which I certainly will be as their house is large and gorgeous. Plus, it’s closer to work. I’ll have to find out if they have wireless internet at their house… maybe I’ll get some good use out of my laptop that week. I can cart it around now that I got a cute bag to carry it in!

Finally, Bravo will start airing one of HBO’s most famous and tawdry series, Taxicab Confessions. I don’t know about you, but I have always loved this show and can only imagine how much Bravo will screw it up. I mean, there is swearing galore on that show and I’d hate to see it turn into what the USA Network did to the movie Friday when they aired it. Terrible! I know what “fuck” looks like when it’s said, so why bother making it into “fool” or something else that no one would ever say? Guess we’ll have to see if it’s a train wreck or not. What’s next? Hookers at the Point? God, I love Bravo…

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope everyone has a good time and best of luck in 2007. Watch out, I’ve decided it’s going to be my year!!

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