Thursday, December 28, 2006


That is one of my new nicknames.. Let me explain:

For some time now my friend Brian has been telling me that (to my ex Jason, the knocker upper) "my pussy is like kryptonite." I know it's kind of disgusting, but I have always loved that word. My friend Amy and I used to think of different ways to say it to make it sound more politically correct, but it never really took off. Anyway, yes, he's a clever one that Brian. In a strange twist, last Friday night at bowling Jason said something to me and referred to me as being like kryptonite to him. I have yet to figure out if this is a compliment or not. I'm assuming it's a compliment in that he basically loses all sorts of self control when he's around me, mainly manifested in a verbal diarrhea of compliments (some I don't mind hearing, others I wish were not said in public but still, not bad to hear), but that's just my take on it. Jason and Brian have not conferred so it was pretty funny that they both called me that. I think it has a nice ring to it, regardless of the meaning. It's way better than my rugby nickname....

Oh yeah.. last night me, Tre and our friend Kate (fiancee of the aforementioned Brian) went to the Albany River Rats game. We missed the first period because I was stuck at work until 7:30, but it didn't seem like Tre or Kate minded drinking some beer at Broadway Joe's while waiting for me. We sat in the First Niagara box, which is always nice. All the free soda and water you want and your own bathroom. We decided next we'll have to get tickets in there for a Siena game because I think the atmosphere will be a lot better. You never can tell what kind of people will be in there with you (there are about 15 seats in the box) and last night we had three couples, none of whom were very talkative or friendly. Luckily, just in front of the bathroom there is a row of three seats so we amused ourselves and had a pretty fun "girl's night out."

Enjoy your Thursday night. If you miss The Office, tonight they're replaying "The Convention" where Michael and Dwight meet up with Jim at an out of town convention. As usual, hilarity ensues. Have a great Thursday and if you're lucky, tomorrow is payday Friday (or is that just me?) Have a good one!

PS - Note to MTV Dude: LOVE Twentyfour Seven, against my better judgment. Still think Cipes is an annoying, crunchy (and as I learned last night, self-centered) hippie. But he will not stop me from watching the show and hoping he gets another break. Hell, he and "the people" might get more gigs with Chris's impending trip to rehab. I admit, I was saddened with his lack of reaction and immediate cry for help and the fact that no one followed him to find out what the deal was. Oh well, boys are different and I won't pretend to understand.

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