Monday, December 18, 2006

Hell hath no fury like karma....

I didn’t realize I hadn’t posted since Wednesday. As I may have mentioned, December is our busy month at work and it has not disappointed. Ok, well, it disappointed me because God knows I hate being here any longer than necessary…. like tonight. But I’ll get back to that.

In response to the title of this post, I took a “sick day” on Friday to finish up my Christmas shopping and just get some general things done that I knew I wouldn’t have time to do before Christmas. I did get everything done, but later in the afternoon I started to get all sniffly. At 7 pm we kicked off the (soon to be annual) holiday bar crawl. Everyone had a great time (pictures to be posted when I feel better and get a hot second), except me as I was blowing my nose the whole time. NOT fun… I woke up the next day with a terrible headache (not beer induced) and spent most of the day in bed, willing myself to collapse into a Nyquil induced coma. I got up because I had to make appearances at three parties that evening. The first was a surprise “graduation” party for my friend’s daughter. She made it through her program at Sylvan Learning Center with flying colors and her grades have improved so it was a good a time as any to celebrate. It was a lot of fun… a few hundred too many kids for my taste, but it was nice to have the old bowling alley gang back together again. After that my sister and I stopped at a party at our friend Brian and Kate’s. Tre and I are in their wedding in June and I felt bad that I only stayed for under an hour, but I could tell the Dayquil was wearing off and I still needed to stop at J.’s brother’s house for their holiday party and meet a million people. I was sooooo in the mood for that. So, I stopped for a hot cocoa to warm myself and my spirits and took my chapped nose into the party. His brother’s house is beautiful and I would have had a better time had J. spent more than a half hour of the hour and a half I was there, with me. Granted, he was drunk like I knew he would be so I gave him the benefit of the doubt and ended up talking to his friend’s wife. She said I looked familiar and it’s because she used to date one of my good friends back in the day. Small f’n world huh? She and her husband also used to live across the hall from another friend of mine. Anyway, I was peeved, but too tired and cranky to fight about it. He apologized profusely (and still is) so I just left around 11 and was snuggled in bed in time for Saturday Night Live. I love when Justin Timberlake hosts.. he’s pretty funny. I think “dick in a box” will be a holiday classic (if you didn’t see it, I’m sure you can check out YouTube for the clip).

So, that was basically my weekend as the only reason I left bed yesterday was to head to my parent’s house for a roast beef dinner. What can I say? Mashed potatoes will almost always get me out of bed! And, that leads us to now. I’m sitting at work, praying to God I’m not here till 11:00 tonight. We have a closing tomorrow and things seem kind of in order… but things are never what they seem. I didn’t take a lunch today and I’m not even hungry… another not good sign. I really hope I look pathetic enough that they take pity on me and send me home at a reasonable hour. Now that Heroes isn’t new until January I can fall asleep early and not feel like I’m missing something! What I’m trying to say is, I apologize for the lack of posting and I’ll do better, I promise.

One week till Christmas!!! (and a day off… yay).. Tomorrow looks to be busy but hopefully Wednesday I'll be back with the rumors, gossip (and maybe even truths) that you seem to enjoy!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Glad to know I'm not the only person still tuning into SNL. I, too,found Timberlake really very amusing (he's bringing FunnyBack {yeah}). I'm all for him joining the ranks of Alec Baldwin & John Goodman in the 8+ Timers Club. Yes, "Dick In The Box" is an insta-classic. "The Barry Gibb Talk show" is actually a fave of mine. And the other bit that cracked my shit up was JT in his soup costume, getting the word out to folks about "Homelessville" HA!!