Friday, December 22, 2006

I'm a Christmas delinquent

Today was our final day of Secret Santa at work. If I didn't tell you, the first four days of the week we could get our person a gift worth $1 and on Friday a gift of up to $10. I stuck to the $1 and $10 limits, but apparently very few people do. So, I kind of looked like the cheap ass. I mean, I got my guy what he wanted (movie ticket and dark chocolate) but it looked cheesy comparatively speaking. Let's add on that I barely wrapped what I gave him through the week, even stooping to using a second hand Christmas bag. I'm sorry! I was sick and exhausted! I did what I could do. Anyway, I come in to work today and everyone is showering me with gifts. Some are little, but still. I didn't get anyone anything, not even a card. Apparently I didn't get the "we exchange Christmas gifts" memo. Oh well.. I'll make up for it next year I guess.

I'm also a delinquent because it's three days before Christmas and I have yet to watch Emmett Otter's Jug-band Christmas. If you are around the age of 30 I can almost guarantee you saw it on HBO every single Christmas. Anyway, I find it to be a classic and I only have it on VHS and J. has custody of my VCR. So, I think he'll either have to bring my VCR back or borrow his brother's DVD copy because it just isn't Christmas without a jugband! Sure, you can see the strings sometimes and nothing makes me laugh more than watching the puppets walk across the ice, but it's a great program and I'm still in shock and awe that they don't play it every single year. It's a must-see.

I got this "Christmas card" from the Baltimore Orioles this year and I thought it was cute enough to post (I hope they don't mind). Don't know if I'll have another chance to post today but if I don't, I hope everyone has a great Christmas and that Santa brings you all you could ask for and more! Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!!

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