Monday, December 04, 2006

Reason No. 5,379 why I don't cook...

J. and I have been trying to save money… Ok, I’m trying to save money and he’s basically humoring my efforts. So, I tried to be a good girlfriend on Saturday morning and make breakfast instead of going out. That and I was a little strapped for time so this would be quicker. Breakfast is about the only meal I have a shot at NOT screwing up with my limited abilities. So, I was pretty proud of myself. I made scrambled eggs with cheese and fried my first package of bacon. The bacon was done before the eggs so we nibbled on that a bit, both commenting on the strange taste. I thought maybe we’d gotten some sort of flavored bacon or something, but since I was out of my cooking element, I let it go. After eating breakfast I had to get my hair cut so J. and I both left the house at the same time to start our day. When I got back from the hairdresser’s my sister asked me what the expiration date was on the bacon. She insisted that she told me to look at it before I started cooking it but I never heard her say that. Anyway, she said she had just thrown out a package that had the date of October 16th on it, forcing me to hunt through the garbage to find the package I had used…. with an expiration date of October 14th. Neither J. nor I showed any evidence of food poisoning, but I admit, I was kind of concerned! Guess that whole expiration date thing won’t kill you…. yet!

I got my grocery shopping done Friday night (before the big bacon incident) and subsequently passed out. For once, I was the early sleeper on date night! Ha ha… Saturday night was my Christmas party for work and I was surprised to find that I had an absolute blast! I danced the night away in my $24.00 dress and adorable shoes. J. picked me up just in time to stop me from becoming a drunken idiot so the night was relatively perfect. Food was good, drinks were better (thanks to David at the Glen Sanders for those kick ass Amaretto and Diet Cokes) and I passed out in J.’s bed just after midnight. In doing so, I was able to get up the next morning and take a trip to the outlets in Lee, Mass. with my mom. Got a lot of stuff (for myself, from Santa) for Christmas and even came up with a few ideas for gifts. Speaking of which… I have to take J.’s present back because he already has a digital camera with a printer. I knew he had a camera (which, to quote myself, is “Flinstonian”) but I had no idea about the printer. He insists he’s told me that and then used that as an excuse to point out that I don’t listen, which is not entirely true cause the boy talks A LOT! Sometimes you have to tune out! So now I have to come up with something else and all I can think of is getting him tickets to see Evil Dead: The Musical off Broadway. I think he’d really like it, but he said he’d kill me if I spent more than $100 on him for Christmas. The tickets are $71 each, not to mention getting into the city, eating.. and the like. My options are pretty limited at this point but I think I still have a few more days to make a decision! I was just so happy to be done with my Christmas shopping and now I have more to do. Anyway, after getting back from the outlets I was feeling pretty motivated so I did laundry and cleaned the entire house. I don’t know, there’s just something about a clean house that makes me happy.

Trying to motivate myself to go to the gym tonight (it’s really not working out - no pun intended) because I want to go to Target and get my Christmas cards. I also got some information on job opportunities with the State that I’d like to peruse when I get home and as we all know, tonight is the Fall Finale of Heroes. It’s such a can’t miss! Speaking of which, I’ll try my best to get a picture or two from the office Christmas party onto the blog tonight. I don’t recall taking that many, but I’ll see what I can do.

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