Thursday, December 21, 2006

It's the first day of winter and....

I’m trying to get back into the swing of things, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult. The cold that’s plagued me since late last week has now moved into my throat and chest. I have gunk just sitting there and it won’t go up or down. I really don’t care which way it goes, I just wish it would allow me to breathe! I can’t sleep as the gunk won’t allow me to and even when I do, it wakes me up because.. well.. I can’t breathe. So, I’m skipping dance for the second week in a row to go home and get SOMETHING at the store to medicate myself. I’ve been told Vicks Vaporub, Mucinex and Robitussin with Expectorant. I’ll probably go with the Robitussin as my friend said it tastes good and puts you to sleep.. two things I like in my medicine!

Yesterday I was able to get out of work right on time, which was a nice change, all things considered. I got home just in time to have some tacos with Tre and then I caught up on my DVR’d stuff - 2 episodes of Big Day and the hour long Christmas episode of The Office. I laughed my ass off! Three times during this episode Steve Carell and Ed Helms did what my sister calls “pound - explode” which is when they tap fists and then explode their fingers. We’ve been doing it for a couple years and I had to stop and rewind it so she could see it. Yep.. the pound explode has infiltrated Hollywood. Anyway, it was a hysterical episode and I can’t wait to find out the aftermath when the new episodes air on January 4th. If you’re jonesing for some more of The Office, click here for deleted scenes from the episodes that have aired. You can understand why some are deleted, but others are pretty damn funny! Oh yeah.. I watched Zoolander all the way through for the first time ever on Comedy Central this week. I think it's like an Anchorman where it gets funnier every time I watch it. Anyway, hence the photo. I feel like I've been a big slacker when it comes to posting photos so please take this as an olive branch of sorts.

Let’s see if I can catch up on a little bit of gossip: In what can only be called the most ridiculous “feud” of the year, Donald Trump and Rosie O’Donnell have resorted to name calling and mud slinging, all because the Donald gave Miss USA Tara Connor a second chance with her title. She only has four months left and will probably spend the majority of that in rehab but hey, she’s no Vanessa Williams! Anyway, the girl is only 20 (JUST turned 21) and considering she was a guest judge on Project Runway, well… I’m willing to forgive some childhood mistakes. I just don’t know why these two are wasting their airtime and money fighting over something so ridiculous.

Evangeline Lilly’s rented house in Hawaii burnt down yesterday morning. Luckily, no one was hurt but the house is considered a “total loss.” Sean “Puffy” Combs and his lady-friend Kim Porter welcomed twin girls into the world yesterday morning also. The twins were five pounds a piece and arrived within minutes of each other. All the more reason for me (if god forbid I spawn) to have twins. I want to get that done and over with as quickly as possible… and probably only once! Finally, the cast of Grey’s Anatomy have been named Entertainers of the Year by Entertainment Weekly. I can’t WAIT to get that issue!!!

Anyway, I’ve been a touch of a slacker when it comes to work today, so I need to make up for lost time. Happy Winter to all and to all a good night!!!

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