Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Yesterday, I got a fortune cookie with no fortune. Later on that day, a praying mantis landed on me. Do you think these two cancel each other out, or do I still have a little bit of luck coming? I mean.. I don't think I really got the good side of the luck coin from that whole "bird shitting on me" incident in July, so I'm thinking karma might owe me.

In the first ever unanimous vote, Dan was proclaimed the winner of Big Brother 10. Memphis went home with $50,000 while Keesha narrowly beat Jerry for the Jury Favorite prize of $25,000. Seriously.. I like Keesha, but what about Renny!? The entertainment she provided was priceless!!! Another season over, and the application for next year is already up. Maybe I'll apply... At this point, I don't have many other things better to do! Might as well make myself useful!

There are some things you do NOT want to run in your family...

I hate to admit it, but I would seriously love it if this happened..

It's no World Series of Pop Culture, but it might be kind of interesting.. I've always wondered what kind of people know the answers to some of those questions.

Well, I've never seen any of these movies, so it won't be hard to find a place to start.

Ok.. why didn't my "awkward stage" look like that?

Tonight is soccer, where we once again play an undefeated team. The big joke is that the guy at Afrim's is my secret boyfriend and I'm beginning to think he is because he's obviously trying to make it look like we're not together by making us play only teams that do not have losses in our league. Good move, secret boyfriend... Well played.

I know it's been a while since I've said it, but what the hell... Hump 'em if you've got 'em and make sure to tune into ANTM tonight.. it's MAKEOVERS!!!!!

PS - what do you think of the new blog layout? Thanks to Jen for finding a cute layout and allowing me (through her blog) to find out where to go to get my own. Now that I know there are more options, I'll probably change it more often!!

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