Monday, September 15, 2008

I have a zit on the side of my nose that is RIGHT in my eye line. All day I've thought I've had this HUGE random boogie in my nose.. Either way, it's not attractive.

Tre and I watched Fringe in all our free time this past weekend. It's interesting. I like it, but I'm not quite sure why (besides the inclusion of Pacey Witter, of course). It's got it's graphic moments and the story line (so far) is one of those "ok, could that really happen" kind of things. We've already got it set to tape for Tuesday night, as (if we're home) we'll have to watch the finale of Big Brother, where either Dan or Memphis takes home the half a million dollar prize. Your guess is as good as mine on this one!

Interesting coupling... This is one of those times where you really wish you didn't know where your man has been...

Kathy Griffin has won another Emmy for outstanding reality show and Sarah Silverman scored a win for the ever popular "I'm f*cking Matt Damon!"

Slow news day... slow day in general. Just trying to tie up loose ends but I guess I really could have done that... um... last Friday. Oh well.. mama needs a paycheck so we'll stick with it!

Finally, Happy Anniversary to my parents (35 years - holy shit) and a happy birthday to my god daughter Courtney! Hope everyone has great days :)

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