Sunday, September 07, 2008

I feel like I have so much to go over, and I know I'm not going to remember all of it, but I'll give it a shot.

90210 - Yeah.. I kinda liked it. Not kinda.. REALLY had fun watching it. I know it got shitty reviews and I'm not going to pretend it was the best show in the world, but it was fun to see how they incorporated people from the old show into the new one. Speaking of which, am I the only one who was a little shocked at how bad Shannen Doherty looked!? I don't know.. she looked like she got rode hard and put away wet, but who cares?! Brenda Walsh is back!

Big Brother -As expected, Renny got the boot and Dan won HOH, so Jerry's only hope is to win the POV or else his time in the house is over.. Renny was a really great sport when she left and while I didn't like her in the beginning, I kind of found her entertaining.

Bowling started on Friday. I got nothing out of it but a sore arm. It's gonna be a good year.

Soccer was a train wreck of epic proportions. We are all out of shape, and no one had any idea where anyone else was playing. We lost 6-2 and while God knows we hate losing, we still had a blast doing it. I wasn't as sore as I expected, which is a good thing. I think a dip in Allyson's hot tub after this week's game will really hit the spot! The five months we had off didn't do us any good whatsoever, but I think we just need some time to get our shit together and remember how everyone plays. Hey, our first session last year we lost every game but one, so we can't do much worse this session (famous last words, right?).

Stella finally got the boot on Project Runway. It was only a matter of time, as she really couldn't (and didn't want to) do anything out of her "aesthetic" but like Renny on BB, she was entertaining as all hell! Apparently Diane Von Furstenberg and Stella won't be working together any time soon.

Oh lord, I watched the 2 hour premiere of America's Next Top Model, now well known due to the fact that there is a pre-op transexual competing. I feel a little bad for her, as everyone has their own opinion about whether or not she should be competing (and questions about tuckage), but she's just not attractive to me. I mean, I've seen drag queens that you would never know were men, but you can instantly tell there's something going on with Isis, and not necessarily in a good way. However, she took a decent picture this week (even with the haters harassing her behind the curtain) and since she's good TV and people will tune in just to see what happens, she'll probably stick around for a while. Oh ANTM, I wish I could quit you.

I can't find my list (oh yes, I make a list) so that's all for now. However, the VMA's are on in about an hour and a half so I can only imagine the material I'll have for tomorrow.

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