Wednesday, September 03, 2008

I want to see Death Race, not for any good reason than the man you see in this post. I love him, I think he's hot and I want to have 5,000 of his babies. Case closed. J seemed to think I should NOT see Death Race, until I had seen Death Race 2000, the movie it is based on. WHICH HE OWNED. That is 78 minutes of my life I am never going to get back. I think he wanted me to realize the premise of the film and all that jazz, but I really don't care. Let me tell you: Britney Spears (and her INSANE acting ability) could play the lead and there is no way it could be worse than this movie (the original). I mean... Stallone!? Awful.. there were funny parts, but not enough to make it anything more than the cult movie it should continue to be. And no, I'm not sure that's a compliment.

Heroes season premiere will be three hours long. J got Seasons 1 and 2 on DVD so I've been catching up as much as I can, but three hours is a long time to sit and watch. I'm still looking forward to it. It's gotten rave reviews for the upcoming season and it's been too long a wait!

Ah, the woman who could be future Vice President must be bursting with pride...

Ok.. I was too busy watching Death Race 2000 last night to watch the premiere of 90210, but you know damn well I taped it. I'm a little ashamed, but I'll save the full shame for when I've actually watched and enjoyed it.

Speaking of things I'm embarassed to still enjoy, MTV's new Real World/Road Rules Challenge, The Island, premieres a week from today. I admit, I have no idea who most of these sluts and backstabbers are (as I gave up on the Real World and Road Rules YEARS ago, but still way later than I should have), but god damnit, they're awesome TV.

Things got a little sketchy in the Big Brother house, as Dan's worst nightmare came true and Jerry won the HOH. Jerry nominated Dan and Keesha, and made a deal with Memphis to go to the final two, who has similar deals with Dan and Keesha. Jerry then fell into the pool. I admit, I felt bad laughing, but it was pretty funny! Anyway, Memphis won the POV and used it to remove Dan, giving "The Renegades" another week and more than likely sealing Renny's fate. Jerry might as well put his head between his legs and kiss his ass goodbye for next week, because there really isn't any way he can stay unless Memphis sticks to his deal, which he already hasn't done since he took Dan off in the first place. Dirty dealings in that house.. dirty.. and that is the way I like it.

Soccer starts tonight! I'm so excited... out of shape.. but excited. Nice thing is, the team we play will have already played at 8, so hopefully they are in as good a shape as our team is. I'll let you know how it goes.

America's Next Top Model (aka "Tranny Watch") begins tonight with a two hour premiere episode, as does Bones. My poor DVR. It's that time of year!

Hump 'em if you got 'em... And if you can get away with it, hump them even if they're not ;)! Happy Wednesday..

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