Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Yet another late night for me. Granted, I did get to go to bed 20 minutes earlier than the night before, but seriously, I've got to get some sleep! Last night was the team finals of the women's gymnastics competition, where the USA women took silver. Things looked great early on, but then usually tough competitor (and one of my personal faves) Alicia Sacramone just lost it. She fell on her mount onto the balance beam and made some big mistakes on her floor routine, leaving the door wide open for the Chinese to win the Gold. Granted, Nastia Liukin and Shawn Johnson also both went out of bounds on their floor exercise, but their routines were not the train wrecks Sacramone put in. You have to feel bad for someone who works their whole life for one day, and watches it all slip away. Granted, they still got silver and there's still the all-around and individual apparatus finals, so hopefully there'll be some gold medals in some USA gymasts future. And oh yeah, some guy named Michael Phelps won a few gold medals... so I heard.

I missed the Counting Crows/Maroon 5 concert last night. I had thought about it in the weeks preceding the show, but it had completely slipped my mind in the last week or so. I swear, they're one of my favorite bands, but I can't seem to ever get to the show. Maybe if they played anywhere but SPAC. I usually get lawn seats cause they're cheaper, but I'm not a huge fan of buying tickets and not knowing if it will rain, or if the people next to you are going to be transmitting communicable diseases under their blanket.

I applied for a part time receptionist job today and have an interview next week. I don't know if I'll get it, as I have a feeling I can't be there when they need to be there (ya know, due to that pesky "day job" thing) and I have my Friday bowling night, but it'd be nice if it worked out. It seemed like a nice place to work and not too brain numbing. I think less people would probably be less frustrated and annoying there, as opposed to my day job. People get cranky when you don't get them divorced in one week! Point being, everyone needs money, and I need more of it than I am in possession of.

For once, a #1 that I can agree with! It's a great, entertaining and inspiring documentary. There are also plenty of other great (and ones I didn't think were so great) flicks on the list, so be sure to check it out.

Big Brother - LORD, shit is hitting the fan. To sum it up: Michelle is HOH and she's basically trying to "avenge" Jessie's eviction. Jerry has a hit out on Dan and is referring to him as Judas cause Dan didn't vote the way he said he was going to, but he didn't have a choice, cause Dan was "America's Player" for a week. Way to screw Dan, America!! Anyway, Michelle put up Libra and Keesha who were all lovey-dovey friends, until Jerry won the HOH and Libra tried to throw Keesha under the bus. Keesha isn't having it and I can imagine tomorrow night's episode will be fraught with drama. Granted, Keesha did orchestrate Jessie's ousting, so hopefully she can find a way to make Libra look worse. Jerry did NOT use the POV to save anyone, although he made this huge speech about what an awful person Dan is (um.. Note to Jerry: See Dan? NOT on the block.. Pray he doesn't win HOH next week) but didn't use the POV to get him on the block. So, it's Libra vs. Keesha. Personally, I think Libra will go home unless she can convince the group that Keesha really was the "puppetmistress," not her. Then again, Keesha could get kicked out of the house real soon for bitch slapping April. Expect the unexpected.

I've got my first playoff softball game tonight, so perhaps I'll get my much needed rest. There are some good things on the Olympics tonight (Men's 3M Synchro Diving, Women's Beach Volleyball and more swimming) but I think I'll take the night off. Hump 'em if you got 'em!

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