Monday, August 25, 2008

I went to the Chinese Buffet tonight for the first time ever. I'm lucky no one harpooned me on the way home.

I think I've mentioned that I've been trying to enlighten myself by watching "classic" movies. I watched Easy Rider the other day and it was ok, but I didn't think it was ground breaking. Then again, I wasn't alive when it was made, so that might make a difference. Tonight I watched Dog Day Afternoon. LOVED it! Al Pacino was amazing and it kept my attention the whole time. I've had some issues with my attention span lately and if a movie is any more than an hour and a half, I find I have trouble concentrating on it. Dog Day Afternoon was about two hours and I never once checked to see how much longer I had to go. If you haven't seen it, check it out! Great (true) story and really great acting. I might sound like a broken record, but I really can't say anything more about, especially nothing bad!

I did yoga on the Wii Fit yesterday. I can't feel my calves. I can't tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

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