Friday, August 22, 2008

Great game... not so great as a baby name.

I am dragging something fierce today. Tre, our friend Brian and I met some of the guys that we play ball against at the Towne Tavern in Averill Park. I drove. Big mistake.. Tre and I had made a pact that we would leave by 11:30... 12:00 at the latest. We got home at 2. Good lord those boys can knock down the beer and liquor. Tre invited them to Hudson which would be fun, but I admit, I'm a little scared.

Daniel FINALLY was let go from Project Runway, as the designers had to create outfits for drag queens. This might have been the funniest episode I've ever seen (ranking right up there with the episode where Santino impersonates Tim Gunn) and I was surprised at how... kinda hot and normal some of the drag queens were! Joe (our token straight guy) finally won (oh, the irony) and his drag queen was a sexy bastard!

The first week alliance on Big Brother (ya know, the one that basically encompassed the entire house against Brian) was let down once again, as Libra was booted last week and April this week. Granted, April and Libra have been on different sides of the coin as of late, but I've really enjoyed watching how Dan, Keesha and Memphis have banded together to keep themselves in the game. I mean, I thought Dan was a goner from Day One and now he's (SPOILER, I THINK) HOH! Should be an interesting week in the BB house. Apparently April hasn't gotten her period since her unprotected sex with Ollie and there's a double elimination next Thursday. Must be the end of the summer!

The final 3 on Shear Genius are Charlie, Nicole and Dee. I thought I watched the whole episode, but once I deleted it, I realized I had no clue who was in the final 3 besides Nicole, as she won the short cut challenge to get there. Then again, it's Bravo so I'm sure I'll see the ending and many marathons before the finale.

The Olympics are almost over and I've found my new LOVAH (sorry Jonathan Horton.. you've run your course). He's a little on the doofy side, but the tall, skinny dork has been my thing in the past. Maybe it's time to bring it back (hush your mouth C. Howe).. Speaking of the Olympics, the probe into the Chinese gymnastics age really turned into a farce and was dismissed within hours of the news breaking. The US Women's Soccer team are the gold medalists, while the US Softball team was upset by Japan. Think they did it on purpose to end their world domination and convince the IOC that softball is still relevant? I don't either...

Time for my weekend o'detox, which I think I might start off by having McDonald's for lunch today. Food coma, here I come! Enjoy your weekend!!

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