Saturday, August 23, 2008

I'll never learn.

I went to bed early last night, and had told myself I was going to get up at a decent hour to beat the rush at Jiffy Lube, as I needed an oil change. I think we all know how much I loathe Jiffy Lube. I know nothing about cars (except, luckily, where the gas and wiper fluid go) so they always manage to sell me something. Not today, so I thought. I walked in there with my coupon and was determined to "Just Say No."

The technician (very cute and bald) brings me out and asks me what kind of oil I want. I was smart enough to see the prices on the screen and picked the cheapest. He then shows me my air filter and tells me it was pretty dingy, or something to that effect. I don't remember because the minute he said "air filter" my eyes glazed over. He caught me off guard and I said "sure, change my air filter." My $28.00 oil change (with coupon) morphed into $52.00 and I had to hide my shock and disappointment in myself as I made small talk with Cutie McMechanic. I lamented with him as to why they were all backed up (3 people called in), and how you can't find good help these days and I pray to God he works on commission... that he should use to take me out to dinner. It's only fair..

At least I got a free car wash.

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