Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I'm dragging something fierce today. Know why? Cause I stayed up till 12:40 to watch Men's Gymnastics on the Olympics. Don't get me wrong... it was worth it! I think I kinda fell in love with Jonathan Horton last night.. Not only is he adorable, but the boy sure can stick a landing! He was by far the men's MVP last night.. Still, I'm a little tired today and I know I'll be tired tomorrow, as Women's Gymnastics are on tonight. They don't even start till 10 pm so I'm trying to tell myself that it won't be as bad since the women only work on 4 apparatuses (apparati?) as opposed to 6 for the men.

Congratulations go out to my boss, who gave birth to an 8 lb, 10 oz baby girl last night. Mom, dad and baby are all doing well!

I was real proud of myself, cause yesterday I went back to the gym. I did the strength machines instead of just cardio and was done relatively quickly. When I got home I was telling my sister how I didn't really feel that sore to which she replied "how many times did you go through the circuit?" Um... one! Yeah.. apparently my "work out" wasn't quite as intense as I'd anticipated so now I have to basically start fresh and do it three times.. ya know.. so it DOES something. This really is just an excuse for me to start fresh next week. Sadly, my arms do hurt, regardless of the fact that I did.. well.. nothing.

We all know how much I love The Office (can't wait for it to return Sept. 25th) and this little article just made me smile. I know half my sleeping problems are because I'm super paranoid that someone is coming into my house to kill me, so I can relate.

Speaking of things I love, this could be the best news ever! It's even better than when Kristen Bell joined the cast of Heroes, if you can believe that!

Speaking of cool guest stars, I think this one will be entertaining at the very least.

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