Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I unlocked a new yoga pose, the Triangle, last night. That didn't go so well.. But I've done yoga for three days in a row so that's something. I am sore, so I guess it's working! There is muscle underneath my fat. I can't see it, but I can feel it!

I had a big lunch yesterday so I wasn't hungry until it was time to watch Big Brother (Memphis won POV and Dan reneged on his deal with Ollie by putting up Michelle), so everything I had for dinner started with Pop! I had Frosted Cinnamon Pop-Tarts (my favorites.. I haven't had them in YEARS) and when that wasn't enough, I had some microwave popcorn. I miss those staples that got me through college but are really way too bad and/or embarassing for you to eat as a mature adult: Pop-Tarts, Steak-Ums, Easy Mac.. (ok who am I kidding? Kraft Mac and Cheese will NEVER go out of style).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kraft Mac and Cheese... It hasn't even gotten INTO style here yet. Lol!