Friday, August 08, 2008

My plan last night was to hit up the Tri-City Valleycats game, as they were playing Cal's team, the Aberdeen Ironbirds. However, some nasty weather hit just prior to my leaving and J came down instead. I'm a little peeved that the game was still played and I wasn't there, but it turned out pretty good instead. Tre, J, Danny, Fish and I christened Rock Band and if it weren't for the hand cramps, I think we would have played for more than the two hours we played for. I admit, the game on the Wii is not as good as it is for Play Station and XBox (you can't make your own band or download songs) but it's still a hell of a good time. I mean, we weren't even drinking last night but still laughing our ass off and having a great time. We left the blinds open so I can only imagine what people driving by were thinking!

Today is the start of the Bejing Olympics and apparently 8 is a very lucky number. Not that I'm surprised, as it was (and always will be, Cal Ripken's uniform number) However, if you can believe it, Clay Aiken's baby mama had their baby this morning, at 8:08 am. Crazy, right?

In other good news, after practically a decade of non-wedded bliss, Jewel eloped with her very own rodeo cowboy, Ty Murray.

I have a bridal shower and bachelorette party tomorrow, so again I hope to have pictures, but I make no promises. We're going to see Menopause: The Musical and then hitting up Savannah's for more than a few drinks. Maybe even some Grape Cosmos. It could get ugly. J is working nights starting this week (yay! note the sarcasm) so we've made plans to see Pineapple Express on Sunday. I'll keep you posted..

Thunder just shook me out of my chair. That was not fun for me at all.

Enjoy your weekend and stay dry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come tonight! this is the last time the ValleyCats play your team!


Vic Christopher
Assistant General Manager
office: (518) 629-2287
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