Friday, August 29, 2008

It was a crazy night on Big Brother, so much so that Tre and I made them turn it on at Melino's so we wouldn't miss a minute, even though we were pretty sure we knew what the outcome would be. Last night was double elimination night, with the backdooring and subsequent exit of Michelle just the beginning. I think my favorite part was when Julie Chen had to tell her that Dan was not a plant, and is in fact, playing the game. She was sorely disappointed. Fast forward through the week, as Keesha wins HOH and puts up (unsurprisingly) Jerry and Ollie. Dan wins POV and doesn't change the nominations, forcing Ollie to leave by a vote of 3-0 in the quickest exit in BB history. Obviously (unless he wins HOH) Jerry is next week's target and it's gonna get a little sticky after that. However, if Jerry wins HOH, it'll most certainly be every man for himself!

David Duchovny? A sex addict? Granted, I don't have Showtime so I've never seen Californication, but it sure does make me wonder if Duchovny isn't really that great an actor... Who'dve thunk!? Perhaps the truth really is still out there (Come on.. I couldn't help myself)!

Brings the theories of Team LC and Team Heidi to new levels.. Notice which team has more players...

Yeah yeah yeah.. Michael Jackson turns 50 today.. BIG DEAL - cause so does my Uncle Jackie!!! :) He might not have the money, but he sure did get the better end of the deal.. After all, he was born white and stayed that way (and he has me for a niece).

Enjoy your weekends and I'll try to have pics up from the beer tent at the fair. Ah, the joy of small town life...

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