Tuesday, July 31, 2007

You know the old saying

Never trust a big butt and a smile. Good stuff..

J. and I texted for over an hour and a half Sunday night.. Near the end he asked if we could get together for a movie or something? I simply asked "why?" His response was "do I need a reason to ask you?" and my response was "well.. since we broke up.. yes you do!" He explained that he misses hanging out with me and was trying to take the first step towards us being friends. I let him know I appreciate the effort and it's sweet and all, but it's only been three weeks. WAY too soon.. Granted, he's an emotionless robot who can obviously turn his feelings (or lack thereof) off and on, but I am not. Therefore, I'm going to need a little more time before we can be buddy buddy. He understands. Honestly, it didn't matter if he understood, cause that's just the way it is right now. I'm a girl, and still kind of smarting over the break up. That's the way it is! So, someday we'll be friends... just not right now.

Tre and I went to see No Reservations last night. It wasn't bad.. predictable, but there are worse ways to spend a few hours. God, I've said that about a lot of movies lately. Nothing has really blown me away, except for Hairspray.

Time to start the day.. enjoy yours and I'll try to get through mine. Perhaps there'll be more later :).

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Awww yuck! Was there ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE playing?? Living in the big city like you do, I would expect you to have something bigger than a uniplex nearby...