Wednesday, July 18, 2007

On my way to work

I heard the song "Apache" by the Sugarhill Gang. I admit, I jacked up the volume cause it always makes me laugh, but seriously... who comes up with this shit and makes money off it? Cause whoever he is, I want to meet him and learn his secret.

The breakup recovery is going well. I can now tell the story behind the breakup without my eyes welling up with tears, which is one hell of a breakthrough since I'm an easy crier. As I've said, if anyone has any nice, preferably bald (when I say bald I mean like Jason Statham or Vin Diesel, NOT like losing their hair and combing it over bald) friends, feel free to hook me up. I mean.. my ovaries aren't getting any younger. I think I'm gonna try to go for an older man this time. The younger man thing obviously didn't work out, and so not for the reasons I anticipated.

I shit the bed at our softball game last night. I caught really well, but at the plate I fizzled. I had one amazing hit, but the left fielder jumped to snag it. Bastard. Anyway, even after smothering myself with bug spray I got a killer bug bite behind my knee. I'm telling you, this thing is more of a welt than anything else, and the pain from it woke me up at least four times last night. It was almost like a cramping feeling. So weird and painful!

It's been a pretty low key week so that's really all I've got for you now.. Enjoy your hump day and a very Happy Birthday to my friend Amy over in Salisbury, Mass. You may be getting older, but I still love ya anyway!

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