Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Yet another member of my family is delusional

Remember my little birdie friend from the other day? The one I bought birdseed for? Well, he's still slamming himself into our front windows. Today, my sister went to Wal-Mart to buy a bird cage. She is now going to try to get the bird to fly into the cage. Hell, it just might work since he seems pretty desperate. However, that means that my sister and I will have a pet bird. I don't want a pet bird, nor do I know how to take care of a pet bird. I just feel bad for it, because it's very obviously not an outside bird. Do I feel bad enough to have it live with me? I guess that's a question for another day.

Since we're on the animal tip, my sister's friend is coming to visit next weekend. Apparently, she can't find anyone to watch her dog, so she asked if she could bring him. (NOTE: I do not remember what kind of dog it is. My mom seems to think it's a golden retriever, but I'm not convinced) Anyway, my sister thinks I'm a terrible bitch because I said that was the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I mean... when you can't find someone to watch your dog, you board them, you don't bring them with you. It wouldn't be that big a deal but we're going to be gone pretty much the whole time she's here, so the poor dog would be alone in a strange house. Sure, the dog is great at your house and places he/she is familiar, but what about a brand new place that he/she's never been before. I'm just skeptical about it and I'm not raising a finger to clean up any mess it makes. My mom tried to put it into perspective and asked what I would say if one of my friends asked the same question and my response would be the same to anyone: "are you fucking kidding me?"I don't know.. I guess I just think it's rude, but obviously, that's just me. Yet another story I'll keep you posted on.

I'm not a crazy animal hater, I swear. I'm just not a big fan of pets that aren't my own, that's all. Happy Hump Day my friends.. Hump 'em if you got 'em...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sister Friend- You will get a serious A@# whooping you keep putting a baby girl in your blog. Oh yeah.. I read it. OH yeah. I'm 'bout to lay the smackdown on yo ass.. ya hear? HAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHA. I will still beat you to death. You love the bird, the bird loves you, now put birdie in his cage! DO IT!