Thursday, July 05, 2007

I didn't mean to do it..

But I watched the first episode of Big Brother 8. The big twist (well, one of them) is that three of the houseguests have their enemies in the house with them. I can think of quite a few people I'd hate to live with all summer, so I can only imagine what these people are feeling. It should be interesting and it’s on too many times a week for me to commit to, but I love it. I’m mortified to admit it, but I do. I’d never do well on it because my true colors would show the first week as I’m not real good at hiding my true feelings and don’t really have too much of a problem telling people what I think of them, but that doesn’t mean I can’t live vicariously through others. As a matter of fact, one of the houseguests is under America’s thumb, meaning he has to do whatever America votes him to do. As always, it looks to be a long, hot summer.

It was nice to have a day off in the middle of the week, and I used it to watch some movies. I got this indie flick “Hard Candy” which was quite good, but just a tad disturbing. It starred Ellen Page (X-3) and Patrick Wilson (Little Children) and it was a story of the internet, pedophilia and revenge. Good stuff. Anyway, later on that afternoon I went to a friend’s party and the weather was atrocious! Don’t get me wrong, I had a good time but the place was wall to wall kids. We all know that I’m trying, but I’m not a real baby person quite yet! I did rock my friend’s son to sleep while she ate so at least I felt like I accomplished something. I left a little after 6 to go home and watch Scarface. I really enjoyed it, but I was a little pissed off that I had to wait until the very end to hear him say “Say hello to my little friend.” I mean.. that’s the whole point of the movie!

One of the ushers from the wedding is calling me. I won’t get into details, but let’s just say he’s not my type. I gave him my phone number because we were all out and we didn’t want to lose anyone. I didn’t think he was going to use it for any other purpose. I haven’t answered the phone, nor do I intend to. Think he’ll get the hint?

TGIF… as much as working 8-5 can be tough, these 8-12 Fridays sure are nice.

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