Monday, July 23, 2007

I no longer feel dirty

Today is Daniel Radcliffe's 18th birthday. That means I'm now allowed to think his dark, brooding portrayal of Harry Potter in the latest movie was kind of sexy.... And not at all pedophilia-like.

Less than week until Cal's induction ceremony. Am I bitter that I'm not going to be there? Hell yes! However, I will watch it on TV and bawl my brains out in the privacy of my own (or my parents) home. My mom tried to find cheap flights so Dad and I could go down tomorrow for the game where they do a special send off to Cal for the induction ceremony, but she couldn't find anything. What a birthday present THAT would have been!! Speaking of which, I have NO idea what I want for my birthday (August 15). My sister asked for some golf club but I'm lost. I guess I could ask for the Wii since I've now lost my access to it, but it's WAY more expensive than the golf club and I'm afraid I wouldn't use it quite as much as I think.. I don't really NEED anything.. I want lots of things.. but need? Totally different story..

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