Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A week of firsts

On Saturday, I tried bacon wrapped scallops. I mean.. how bad can something be if it's wrapped in bacon? It was a little fishy (obviously) but I actually enjoyed it and housed about 6 of them. Granted, I was starving and would have eaten the ass out of a dead rhino, but they were still pretty good. I'll have to add it to my repertoire!

Last night, I used a grill for the first time. I've never grilled in my life and before she left the house, I made my sister teach me how to do so. It's not that hard, I just didn't know how to turn it on and that kind of hinders your ability to cook on it. I made myself an awesome turkey burger and then sat down to watch Top Chef. I was so relaxed, then five minutes in my mom, dad and sister came in and basically harassed me for watching a cooking show, considering it's not something I can do. As far as Top Chef goes, seeing Micah go was not a big deal for me. Granted, there were others that deserved it as much as she did, but her "american classic" was neither american nor classic. She wanted to go home to her child anyway, so it worked out for the best. Thanks to the 4th of July holiday, NOTHING is on that's new this week which really sucks since Rescue Me ended with the Chief and a gun in his mouth. After I got over my shock, I realized there would be no new episode until next week. Bastards.

No progress on the J situation. We had dinner together Sunday night and that went just fine. Just like normal really. However, the afterwards is just completely awkward. We don't really know what to do with each other. He actually kissed me on the cheek when he left. Um.. wtf? So, I kind of called him on it and he said he was still thinking. I let him know that patience is a virtue I don't possess so I'm trying to be good, but I don't know for how much longer I can do so. I don't know. I guess if you really do want to be with someone, you shouldn't have to think this hard about it, know what I'm saying? Ok good.. now stop asking me!

Ball game tonight and then maybe a party tomorrow. We'll see. It sucks to have the 4th in the middle of the week because you can go to a party, but can't get drunk or slightly sloshed cause you have to work the next day! Damn teachers and their cushy schedules.

Enjoy your Tuesday and your holiday!!!!

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