Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Free time, or lack thereof

It’s been a few days since I’ve had a chance to post, so I’ll try to update you as best I can.. Friday after work I went to see the movie Waitress, starring Keri Russell. All I can say is that I loved it within the first five minutes. It was really funny at times, but also a very touching drama. If it’s playing anywhere near you, go see it! Later that night I met up with a couple of my girlfriends for dinner, and we then went down to Meadowgreens to meet my sister and friends after their golf league. I had a really good time and managed to get some extra food items for people to bring to Nytropalooza this Saturday!

Saturday I got my hair cut. I say it’s nothing really drastic, but it’s pretty short. I cut off most of the sides and back because it was getting on my nerves and I was only keeping it longer for the wedding. Now that it’s over, I can do whatever I want… and I did. I’m sure you’ll see from the many pictures I’m sure I’ll take and post this coming weekend. After that I went to my friend’s brother’s graduation party. There was a little awkward moment when a guy I’d kind of hung out with was the bartender, but it turned out ok. Me, Tre and Jen ended up at Melino’s, but I spent most of the night in the alley next door talking to J. I won’t get into any details, but I will say it was a really good conversation for us. On Sunday I even went to play ball with him and his buddies, which was a good time. I was a little tired (I’ve been sleeping really crappy lately) but it was still a better way to spend the day than I had anticipated. We chatted for a bit afterwards, but nothing big. I went to my parents for dinner and he called me while I was there (my phone was in the car) to ask if I wanted to go to dinner with him. Obviously, I had already eaten so I just called him back to tell him that. We talked for a bit then and as we were getting off the phone he asked if I wanted to have dinner on Tuesday. I already had plans but I suggested Wednesday. We’ll see what happens. I’m REALLY trying not to get my hopes up, but it’s hard not to. He’s coming to the party and even got the day after it off like I’d asked him to. In all honesty, I didn’t expect him to want to come. He’s also insisting that we’re going to the ball game, but the jury is still kind of out on that one. I mean, if things don’t work out I don’t think I’d be too excited to spend a few hours in the car with him and enjoy a ball game. But that’s just me. Anyway, I’ll keep you posted, as dinner has yet to be confirmed so I could be all giddy and schoolgirlish for nothing. I really hope that’s not the case.

Last night I won $3 when Vlad Guerrero won the home run derby so Thanks Vlad!!! That means tonight is the All Star Game. I doubt it’ll start much before I get home from the movies. My friend Lynn (a brand new mom) needs a few hours out so we’re going to see License to Wed. It got shitty reviews but it has John Krasinski in it, so what more can a girl ask for? Anyway, I don’t need to watch the beginning of the All Star Game because there are no Oriole starters. B-Rob should get in at some point, but there’s still plenty of time. He was looking mighty cute at the Home Run Derby last night though. I was pulling for Prince Fielder in the first round, but he couldn’t pull it out. When it got down to four we decided to place bets and when I woke up this morning, I found out that I was the winner. I was pretty much the winner regardless. After all, I was the one holding the money in my sports bra.

It’s been a pretty quiet couple of days and hopefully there’ll be more to tell in the next few. I have a lot going on at night (like getting kegs and going to movies) so I doubt I’ll get to post much before Nytropalooza, but be on the lookout for many pictures and hopefully some good stories. Hope your day isn’t going by as slow as mine!

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