Sunday, July 29, 2007

It was inevitable

He cried, I cried.. EVERYONE cried.. I bawled like a little girl and who wouldn't, after watching the man himself get choked up!? If you didn't, I swear you don't have a soul. I admit, I'm glad I didn't make the trip to Cooperstown because with 70,000 people (and then some) there is no way I would have been able to enjoy the induction and his speech like I did at home. I felt that it was short, sweet and mentioned all the necessary people. Cooperstown was a sea of orange, and no one got bigger cheers than Cal, Brooks and Frank Robinson, Jim Palmer and Earl Weaver. Amazing how many O's are in the Hall of Fame. We had some damn fine years! And oh yes.. Brady freaking Anderson was there. I think if I knew there was on off chance of me being in close proximity to Brady AND Cal, I would have made the trip! Anyway, congratulations to Cal (and Tony Gwynn, who also gave a great speech). I can't wait to make the trek to Cooperstown and see the brand new plaques hanging in the Hall!

Unfortunately, the O's couldn't pull it together and get a win over the Yanks today, but who the hell cares? It was Cal's day and nothing can change it or put a damper on it. As it was said during the introductions of the Hall of Famers, it was pretty obvious that most of Baltimore was in Cooperstown so I'm sure very few O's fans were there to notice the loss!

Speaking of the O's, I was happy to see Paul Bako start this afternoon. At least he knows how to run out a ball. And whose idea was it to have Ramon Hernandez be the running part of a hit and run, considering the fact that he has yet to leg out ANYTHING! Granted, he's a great catcher, but he's certainly no speed demon!

Happy Hall of Fame Day!!!

PS - Just watched Fatal Attraction for the first time ever. Is it just me or did Michael Douglas have the best hair of the 80's or what? It's amazing! Much like White Goodman in Dodgeball. It's a freaking work of art. Also, I had the pleasure of watching Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction and her new show Damages. Yet another stellar show from FX. If you have the chance, definitely try to catch it. I'm totally hooked! My final question from Fatal Attraction is this: How long did it take viewers to figure out if the daughter was a boy or a girl? If no one had ever said "she" during the movie, I wouldn't have had a clue. With the short hair and ambiguous clothing it was kind of a mystery. I mean, in the beginning I wasn't sure if her name was Ellen or Allen! A little creepy, but still a really good flick.

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