Thursday, July 19, 2007

Good Intentions

I was pretty excited that I had nothing to do last night. It's been a busy couple of weeks and I was looking forward to a night of relaxation. Famous last words, right? Ok, let me preface this story with, it's not that I didn't get to relax at all.. I just didn't get to do it at home, where I could get things done. That's all.

Our friend Fish had called earlier in the day with the invitation of a chicken parm dinner at her house. I'm so low on groceries and cash that tomorrow I'll probably have to whip out the credit card if I want to eat, so of course I said yes! After a great meal, the three of us were sitting around shooting the shit when Fish said "how about we go see Harry Potter?" Well.. everyone wanted to see it and we had an hour or so before it started so it was a go. Tre and I ran home quick, where we encountered a baby bird on our windowsill. I think it thinks it can get into our house so all you can hear is the fluttering of wings as it attempts to do so. We felt bad for it because it's so little. I'm not sure if it can get it's own food or anything, so before we left for the movies we threw pieces of a hot dog roll outside. I don't know if the bird ate it, but Tre told me that the bird is in the same place this morning. I don't have a clue what the allure of it is, but I just hope it doesn't die or anything. It's so tiny!! Anyway, we go to see Harry Potter and I guess we got there pretty early (we all know how I feel about being late for the movies) cause we were the only people in there. Ten minutes later the place filled in and we watched some shitty previews before the movie started. It was good, don't get me wrong. Much darker than the other films, but good. However, I think I just expected more. The climax wasn't very... well... climaxy!! And is it wrong that I kind of enjoyed the angry, brooding Harry Potter? Is that kid legal in real life? If not, I'm gonna start to feel dirty any minute now.

Anyway, got home just in time to wash my face and brush my teeth before hopping into bed to enjoy Rescue Me. I don't know if anyone watches the show, but I almost shit a brick in the first minute when Tommy's wife accidentally left their baby in the store parking lot and he was about to get hit by a garbage truck. I was like.. come on! How much tragedy can one family go through? Thank god it was only a dream. He's another one I feel kind of dirty for finding sexy. I never liked him in his stand up days but for some reason he totally pushes my buttons now. I think it's the firefighter's uniform. That makes sense.

Tonight I'm meeting the girls I used to work with for beers and a burrito up at Bombers. I can't wait. I haven't seen them in a while and I love me some burritos! If only I could get through today. It's been a rough week work wise. My motivation is extremely minimal. So, I'll try to post again tomorrow but I make no promises. My friend Jack is coming into town from Worcester and it looks like we're going to entertain him with a bar crawl on Saturday. I might need to go to bed early on Friday to prepare. Have a good one!


Sandra said...

SO...Daniel Radcliffe *and* Dennis Leary, huh? BOTH get you twitterpated? Well you may be a bit of a creepy perv (what do I mean, "may" ? Ha ha haa, just trying to be tactful I guess)but at least you show a wondrous sense of diversity in your uhh, inclinations.

Anonymous said...

Daniel is 17, but I think it might be forgivable considering the content of the latest play he's stsrring in. It's playing in London and involves horses and nudity (Daniel nudity). 'Nough said. And did you know Dennis is from the Woo?? Figures, eh?