Thursday, May 03, 2007

High School Centric Post

I heard the Huey Lewis song “Perfect World” on the XM 80’s station this morning. As I’m jamming along, I realized that I took my senior quote from it:

Now here we are amid the tears and the laughter, still waiting for our happily ever after.
We’ll keep on dreaming as long as we can. Try to remember and you’ll understand.

What can I say? I couldn’t NOT have Huey Lewis as my senior quote. It would have gone against everything I hold dear to me and for some reason I don’t think “I Want a New Drug” would have passed by the yearbook censors.

I don’t know what’s in the water in this town, but I have at least two friends who will give birth this month, not to mention that J’s sister is due around the same time as my friends. My friend Lynn was in the hospital earlier this week but everything has turned out fine so far. She has another appointment on Friday and if things aren’t perfect, they’ll probably induce. My other friend Tara is due with her second child the same time as Lynn and she’s already one centimeter dilated. Her first baby was a hefty 10 pounds, and if she goes full term they told her this one will be around 9 pounds. It’s hysterical since Tara is so tall, but she’s skinny as a rail! I don’t know where these big babies are coming from. Tara insists that I’m next. I insist they should book her a room in the psych ward. I've only recently begun to be able to hold a baby, let alone have one of my own. I like my free time.. my quiet free time.

More news later… I have a list, I promise.

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