Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Things I Hate About the Gym

The skinny bitch(es) in the matching outfit that never sweats... EVER.. She even puts the fan directly on her so she has goosebumps, as opposed to sweating. And yes.. I'm pretty sure it's not some crazy medical condition.. just vanity.

Sweaty guy that always gets on the treadmill next to me. It's bad enough having my own sweat on me, I don't need yours too!

Smelly guy - Do I need to explain?

Stalkers - those people standing behind you, just waiting for you to finish your workout so they can get the next available treadmill/elliptical. It's because of these people that I put a magazine over the display.

Chatty locker room ladies - I can hardly breathe when I'm done, which makes it difficult to hold a full fledged conversation with SOMEONE I DON'T KNOW!!!! Sometimes a girl just wants to be left alone, hence the headphones...

Cell phones - I can pretty much guarantee that you're not so important that you can't take some time out of your day to walk on the treadmill WITHOUT chatting to your buddy on your cell phone. Get over yourself.

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