Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday, Monday

I was supposed to go to my friend Sue's house tonight. We haven't seen each other in what seems like MONTHS, so we really need to catch up. However, she's sick so the plans fell through. I had already done all my laundry AND gone to the gym, leaving me with nothing to do tonight. I loathe being idle. Luckily, J got me a bootleg copy of Atonement from one of his buddies at work, so he saved the day. I thought it was a great movie, but I'm really glad I read the book prior to seeing it. I think reading it made things easier to follow, as a lot of background information was cut out.

Siena won the MAAC title tonight at the TU Center! That's what I should have done, but it was a little too last minute to get someone to go with me. However, March Madness will be starting so hopefully I can do well on my brackets again this year!

Would this not be the funniest (and most fun) wedding ever?

Matt Damon is expecting a baby with his wife... Guess he used a condom with Sarah Silverman..

So, I didn't make it to the gym all weekend, as I pulled my groin muscle during bowling on Friday night. It hurt so bad that I really didn't think I would be able to finish the night. I deserved it though. I had been cracking on my team mate for her calf injury and then karma bit me in the ass (or groin as the case may be). I couldn't bend at all.. it was excruciating. So instead I went home, cleaned out my DVR and got a drunken phone call from J at 2 am. Good times.

The next night two of my sister's friends from college came up with their significant others. J managed to get Sunday off for the first time I can ever recall, so we all went to dinner at Meadowgreens, then back to our house to play some board and drinking games. We had SUCH a good time!! I mean, it had to be a good time if J admitted he had fun and didn't just say "it was alright."

Due to the insane amounts of rain we got this weekend, we didn't have hot water again from Saturday night into Monday. I guess I should be grateful that we still had power.. So, Sunday night I went to my parent's house for chicken parm, chocolate cream pie and a shower. It was a really good excuse for me to hit the gym on Monday morning though. The gym shower was not as bad as I thought it would be, although I can only imagine what I looked like leaving the gym in my towel turban. I admit, I felt pretty good getting it done in the morning, but it's not easy to get up that early! Still, I'm considering doing it again... It's kind of nice to already have accomplished something by the time you get to work!

Oooh.. Big Brother - Ryan won Head of Household and put up Sharon and Chelsia. Tomorrow night is the Power of Veto competition which could probe to be very interesting, as Sharon does quite well in competitions. I can't wait to see who comes back in the house, although I'm sure it'll be Allison. I mean, how much more drama could you get?

I'd write more, but the season finale of October Road is on and that takes precedence. If I don't find out who Sam's father is, I'm gonna flip shit..

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