Friday, March 14, 2008


It's Friday... Is it just me or did it take FOREVER to get here!? Let me catch you up..

Wednesday night, Tre and I went to Fleet Feet in Albany to get new running sneakers. It was a really cool experience, and I'd recommend it to anyone. They bring out a "neutral" shoe and videotape you running on the treadmill. After that, they evaluate your needs and bring out some shoes for you to try on. In the test shoe, you could see that my calf was off kilter, pretty blatantly. However, when I put on the other shoes, it was straight as an arrow. Unreal.. I ended up getting the same brand of shoe I have now (New Balance) but a different make. Apparently the one I have might have too much support. Who knew that was possible? Nice thing was, they spent at least a half hour with each of us, and you didn't end up paying any more for the shoes than you would at a regular sneaker store. At least not that I'm aware of! If you're planning on getting into running, I think it's a great place to start.

After that, Tre and I went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. YUM! Not great for a girl with no money (that would be me), but still well worth it. The soup of the day was Baked Potato, which is something I never turn down... EVER! It was really great, too. After that I got Crusted Chicken Romano, which was ridiculously huge. I think I'm going to eat my leftovers for dinner tonight before bowling, and I might not even be able to finish them. THAT is how much food they give you. It's insane. I couldn't fit cheesecake into my belly, but Tre and I decided to split one so we got Dulche de Leche Caramel Cheesecake. OH... MY... GOD... it might be the best one I've had there so far. It was just so creamy and yummy, even after I dropped it in Macy's :). Speaking of Macy's, we had to go there afterwards because I wanted to get a bra or two. I was SERIOUSLY lacking in the bra department, so much so that I'm not even going to discuss it as I might be mortified. Anyway, I had a coupon and they had a buy 2, get 1 free sale, so how could that be wrong? Well, come to find out, it was buy 2 of each BRAND, get 1 free of that brand. When I went to the counter I had two of each brand, so the woman convinced me to get a free one of each brand. So I walked out of there with six bras and three pairs of underwear for $125.00. Seriously, it's a deal! Well, it took forever so Tre and I didn't get home in time for Big Brother. However, we settled in to watch what we DVR'd and eat our cheesecake.

Big Brother was well worth watching this week! Drama abounds as expected and James is eliminated, with Chelsia being the only houseguest voting for him to stay. The twist then comes in, with an already eliminated houseguest being allowed back in. America chose Alex, which was surprising to me, but fair, as he'd only been eliminated cause Amanda was a bubbleheaded moron. Anyway, after James comes out to talk to Julie, it's announced that the houseguests have to vote either a mystery houseguest in or James. James won and came back into the house with a vengeance, as everyone pretended to be happy. I think for the most part they were, cause they were sure it would have been Allison to come back, but she didn't even come in second in the voting, Parker did. Anyway, the show ended with the Head of Household competition which was going to be a battle of wills, as the houseguests were hanging in the air, standing on discs in the disco ball challenge. They were being pelted with "champagne" and lord knows what else. I know who won, but I'm not telling. Let's just say it's going to be a fun week in the BB house!

Next up was the season premiere of Top Chef. I can't really say too much about it as there are just too damn many people right now! There is a lesbian couple (Jen and Zoi - I think her name was Jen.. see what I mean about too many people?) so that's new. I LOVE this one guy Andrew. He just cracks me up and thinks so highly of himself. It's great television. I don't really see any true front runners at this point, but it's only a matter of time. To summarize - the show is set in Chicago this year so their quickfire challenge was to make a deep dish pizza. Talk about a train wreck. It was judged by Padma and Rocco Dispirito and some of them plain old tanked. We come to the elimination challenge and they will go head to head (winners v. losers of the quickfire) making old favorites. I believe they were chicken piccata, Duck a l'orange, souffle, shrimp scampi... yeah I can't remember the rest. Anyway, the antisocial Nimma got booted, while Stephanie (who shit the bed in the quickfire) took home the win. I was happy with the way it turned out. I wasn't ready for anyone but Nimma to go yet. Looks like it's going to be a season full of drama and more food I don't like... Good times..

I'm pretty sure THIS isn't necessary.

I knew he was gonna strike out, but I kind of wish he hadn't..

I stayed at J's last night, which I wasn't really expecting, so much so, that I hadn't even showered after running when he called me. We went to dinner at his favorite Italian place (because it's fast). Yeah... it wasn't. AND, the waitress told me their soup of the day was Potato Cheddar (see above) and it wasn't. It was Manhattan Clam Chowder. Talk about a letdown. We went back to his house and tried to watch War with Jason Statham and Jet Li. It was good (what I saw of it) but I just couldn't do it. We started it after 9 and had turned the TV off by 10. At least he has an excuse, being that he had to work at 4, as he did yesterday. Me? Nothing. I AM going to need to have a chat with his roomie though. I know it's his house and all, and I respect that. But we need to come up with some sort of showering schedule. I didn't get into the shower at his house until 7:20 today, making me a few minutes late for work. I hate rushing around in the morning as it is, and this was kinda ridiculous. I'll have to see what sweet talking I can do to work this out.

No co-worker today. I'm on my own, so this will more than likely be the last blog post of the day, and perhaps not again until Tuesday when I PROMISE to have some St. Patty's Day pics! As per usual, I'm headed down to NYC for the day. I ordered train tickets yesterday so it's a done deal. We leave on the 6:45 train and will be down there by 8:45. We then take the 7:10 train back. I figured that would give us plenty of time to get a good night's sleep before the work day on Tuesday. We shall see!

UGH... our downstairs fridge died. I went down there last night to get a Lean Cuisine Pizza to bring for lunch, and the damn thing was blowing out hot air. We threw away a ridiculous amount of frozen food (mostly mine of course), so I have a hot pocket for lunch today. It was seriously all I could find that I didn't have to put effort into. Luckily, my parents have a freezer in their basement that they barely use, so they're giving it to us. Happy Easter! Speaking of Easter... I have to get me a Cadbury Creme Egg, pronto.

OOh.. stick with me.. today we find out if my ex the baby daddy really IS the baby daddy. Seriously, is there EVER a dull moment with me?

Have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Oooh..your ex is going to be on Maury?? CLASSIC!