Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Doing the Right Thing

FINALLY, someone on Big Brother made a smart move. Let me catch you up: James won HOH, after making a deal with his only competition, Natalie, to not put up her and Matty. Seemed stupid at first, since Matty is a liar and manipulator and needs to go, but whatever. You have to do what you have to do. Anyway, no surprise, James puts up Ryan and Sheila, both of whom admitted to being two of the three votes to NOT bring James back into the house. The third vote was Matty of course, but he's not admitting to it and making it look like it was Adam. He even has Natalie doing his dirty work in trying to make the others believe "A-Baller" was the elusive third vote. James makes it a clean sweep by winning the Power of Veto and decides he's going to use it. I almost put my hand through the TV when he said he was going to put up Adam and not Matty, but luckily, Sharon got it through his thick skull that Matty was the third vote. Therefore, last night James took down Sheila and put up Matty. Natalie is PISSED.... I love it, I can't wait to get her dumb, skanky ass off my television and I'm curious to see who she latches on to (Ryan) when her Matty is gone. I'd be shocked if Matty didn't go, but stranger things have happened!

I fast forwarded through the male version of Dancing with the Stars last night and I have to say, not so bad. I mean, Adam Carolla was a trainwreck, but still wasn't as bad as I had heard. I'm still voting for Guttenberg. He just looked like he was having such a good time and couldn't get the shit eating grin off his face! Obviously, Mario was very good, and will probably stay for quite some time, which I'm so not ok with, as I LOATHE Karina Smirnoff.. There will always be someone the masses think has an "unfair advantage" and it looks like this year, it's Mario. Too bad Bruno already used all his "Super Mario" references on Mario Lopez. Anyway, Cristian de la Fuente(?) was very good, but I'm sure he'll suffer from no one knowing who the F he is. They all get to dance again next week, and I'm not sure who'll go. Penn Jillette and Adam Carolla were certainly the bottom two, but both could have substantial fan bases, if Carolla's "MEN" get sucked into watching with their significant others (much like I tricked J into doing last night... sucker). I heard the women were pretty good and that Kristi Yamaguchi was a front runner. I taped it, so I guess I'll have to check it out before one male and one female couple (I think) get booted next week.

So... I suck at cooking. I've been pretty broke lately and J was basically my bitch all last week, buying me dinner and such. So, I thought I'd make him chicken cordon bleu, mashed (from the box) potatoes and corn. Yeah, the breasts never defrosted all the way and were really too big for this meal. As usual, I can never get the sides to work, so all the cheese melted out. This was our exact conversation when J told me he was on his way to my house:

K: Listen, dinner's not gonna be so great, but can you just lie to me and pretend it's ok?
J: Don't I always?
K: (pause) Ouch.. that's not very nice.
J: But it made you laugh didn't it?

And it did.. however, I'm still not sure if he was joking or if EVERYTHING I make sucks. I mean, I made a mean taco a few weeks ago... That should count for something.

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