Thursday, March 06, 2008

I'm a Reject

I didn't get into the Radiologic Technology Program at Hudson Valley. They gave me four things I should do to make my application more appealing when I reapply. Um... no thanks. I'm not going to pay you so I can read Beowulf again just so I can do x-rays. It makes no sense. I took 400 level english classes, so no, I'm not going to start from scratch and pay you to do so! I knew it was coming, but it was still a bit of a shock. I mean.. I got rejected from a community college, essentially. I know that's not really how it is, but still.

I still smell like chlorine. Last night a few of our players went to my friend Allyson's to soak in her hot tub and bad mouth Afrim's. It was a good time! We had beer, pizza and wings and soaked for way too long. And oh yeah.. we got our WINNERS T-shirts!!! :) While I was in the hot tub, my father called to tell my sister and I that he couldn't get our hot water heater to turn back on (we had flooding in our basement earlier and I think it hit the heater or something). So, I called J to see if it would be ok if I stayed there last night so I could take a warm shower in the morning. I say warm cause it's kind of a crap shoot at his house as to whether you'll get hot water and how long it'll last. Luckily for me, his roomie wasn't home so I had the hot water all to myself!

I have some stuff to do, but I hope to have some more info for you later after I binge on a Dairy Queen lunch and my newly acquired Girl Scout Cookies (thin mints and do-si-do's). Don't worry.. I'm going to the gym later!

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