Thursday, March 06, 2008

Heaven has a name

and it is Dairy Queen. 2 burgers for $2.22!? How can you go wrong there? I also got the Blizzard of the Month - Mint Oreo.. I haven't had it yet (I'm kinda full) but I'm very much looking forward to it. DQ AND Girl Scout Cookie delivery in one day? Can life really get any better? Well, if Peter Angelos sold the O's to Cal Ripken, yes... but I think that's really the only way.

Patrick Swayze has pancreatic cancer, although apparently he's not on death's door like many outlets have been reporting.

As "Angel Eyes" has always been one of my favorite songs, I was saddened to hear that Jeff Healey died earlier this week. I can honestly say I never knew he was blind!

I know it may be kinda pathetic, but I spent many a minute perusing this page cause I really DID want to know what they were up to. Ah, the good old days!

Sometimes I LOATHE the internet and my inability to stay off it. Although I taped both shows, I already know who won Project Runway and who got booted from Big Brother.. I'd tell you, but I'd have to kill you....

Time to do some work and then go to the gym to work off the bazillion calories I've eaten today.. Perhaps DQ is not heaven, but the devil in fast food form......

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