Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Oh Yeah, It's On!!

The tables are turning on Big Brother. Last night there was a bit of an alliance (or so we thought) between Sharon, Joshua, James, Chelsia, Sharon and Ryan. All of them offered Ryan two weeks of immunity if he back doored Matt. Ryan subsequently won the Power of Veto competition, however he let Chelsia keep it and took $10k for himself (much to Sheila's dismay, as she was the prior owner of the ten grand). Anyway, Sheila took Ryan aside and basically begged for him NOT to put up Matty, going against the alliance she was supposedly a part of. When the Veto meeting was held, Ryan made a point of saying he felt like he was in the middle of everything and that he was asked to put up one of his boys.. and he did... James. Matty kind of threw it in everyone's face which made them like him even more (note the sarcasm) and most people were in shock, most of all James. I don't know how good a choice it was for Ryan. He has to PRAY that either Matt, Natalie, Adam or Sheila gets HOH next week or the target on his back will be substantial and he'll go up against Matty no doubt. Yep.. now that everyone is one their own, it's getting interesting! I think James will be the one to go tonight, as he has been more vocal than Sharon. All I can hope is that Natalie goes soon. I'm so sick of hearing her voice and watching her throw herself at Matt who so obviously wants nothing to do with her romantically. I'd feel bad for her, but she should have figured that out by now.

Top Chef Chicago starts tonight so at least my DVR will still know to tape Bravo at 10 p.m.! From what I hear, this season has a pretty talented group, and more woman than past seasons, including a couple. Should prove to be interesting. I would never eat anything they make, but damned if the drama doesn't make for fascinating television.

I'm also DVRing The Real Housewives of NYC. It's no Orange County, but I already have a favorite so that will more than likely keep me coming back. What can I say? I'm a Bravo whore!

So, my college rugby reunion is coming up at the end of April. I'm really not looking forward to it that much, only because it's made me feel kinda old the last few years and it just hasn't been as much fun as in the past. Well, my one friend has decided we're going and PROMISES me it'll be the last year, so I'm considering it. Anyway, she was telling me how she's going to bring her fiance, so I thought I'd ask J if he wanted to come. I know he'd get along really well with her fiance and my other friend's boyfriends also. I mentioned it last night and he didn't say no, so that's a step in the right direction! I think he's really interested in seeing a rugby game so I guess if worse came to worse, we could head up for the day on Saturday instead. I only planned on going for Friday night and Saturday anyway, but I can use him as my excuse not to stay through Sunday so as to not ruffle any feathers.

Tonight Tre and I are headed to Fleet Feet in Albany, where they fit you for sneakers. I know, it sounds lame, but they make you run in shoes and see how you run and how your feet react and such to find the best shoe for your foot. It'll probably cost me a bundle, but with the way I run I need as much cushioning as possible. I run/walk on the insides of my feet so it puts pressure where there probably shouldn't be any. If I'm going to attempt to run 15K, I'm gonna need as much help as I can get. I started a new program yesterday through Runners World that will hopefully help me out. I guess you have to do speed work and tempo work, whatever the hell that is. Tre is all gung ho about it so I guess I'll be her pet project of sorts. Now if only I could motivate myself to start lifting again. That would probably be helpful too. Regardless, I can now run two miles without stopping (at least) which is something I truly never thought I'd be able to do. We'll see where this takes me..

As always, hump 'em if you got 'em. Hell, you can try to hump 'em even if they're not yours, although I don't recommend it.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I believe I have thus far neglected to inform you just how very much I love "hump 'em if you got 'em". And ok, well, in all honesty, I have been tempted to steal it. But my superhuman code of ethics precludes it. I just can't. So, there shall be no piracy *from me* but I would strongly urge you to trademark that puppy post haste...