Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Long Weekend

Should have given me ample time to blog, but alas.. it was not the case. Let me see if I can do a quick recap:

I shot 658 on Friday night, which is a HUGE change from how I've been bowling to date. There's a tournament on March 1 where I could win some good money from jackpots, so maybe I'm peaking at the right time. I've determined it's because I've ran the last two Fridays before bowling, which has slowed me down and made my timing right. We'll see if that continues to be the case.

Saturday night J and I watched Romper Stomper, which was one of (if not the first) Russell Crowe's first flicks. It's an Australian flick, but luckily I don't have much trouble with Australian accents, so I didn't find it too hard to understand. For a film about neo-nazi skinheads, it wasn't so bad!

Sunday I went shopping at Woodbury Commons with my mom.. Oh, the deals.. so worth the drive.

Project Runway - The final two were Chris M. and Rami... and BOTH are showing at Fashion Week, which will determine which one actually gets to be in the running. The other two in the final are Jillian and Christian. It'll never happen, but wouldn't it be ironic if Chris (who got booted pretty early and only came back when Jack got sick) beat them all!? I don't really have a preference this year. No one is a TRUE villain, like Santino and Jeffrey, and I think they're all really talented. But Jillian gets on my nerves..

Big Brother - Yep.. I got sucked in.. for no good reason either, cause the show isn't that great. Amanda gives all paralegals in the world a bad name, so I'm not too thrilled with that! However, it's entertaining and as usual, the people don't have a CLUE how to play the game. I mean.. never divulge your secret first, and that's why (jen, ryan, parker and allison) you're up for the vote. It really doesn' tmatter who wins the Power of Veto this week, because whichever couple is still on the block, is gone.. at least if the players are smart.. So.. Yeah.. it could go either way.

I spent my day off finishing J's Ipod.. which he better be thankful for. He did give me Season 1 of Bones as a thank you gift.. which would have been a little more appreciated had he not given it to me on Valentine's Day... Anyway, once I finished his Ipod, I tried to put mine back together again. Until I realized I f'd his up and had to do it again.. Then I had to click the boxes for all the songs for mine again.. I did this on and off for about 12 hours. My hand and wrist are KILLING me, but it's all done. I told him if he "accidentally" got rid of all the music I put on there I would kill him.. slowly.

I have some other things to blog about, but no time at the moment. I'll try to let you in on some stuff later on. Hope you enjoyed your weekend!

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