Monday, December 03, 2007

Winter Walk 2007

Here's me and Lindsey at Savoia.... Yep... Savoia.. Oh yeah.. Savoia was invaded by the white women.. I don't think they minded.
This pic is from the pregame party at Fish's.. That's me.. corrupting my friend's children..
I don't think there was anyone in our group that felt good on Sunday. We went to Fish's house for her annual Winter Walk pregame, then headed down to Savoia to meet up with my aunt, uncle and cousin. This was an actual line that was thrown at me that night: "Girl, the minute I saw those hips and thighs I was like DAMN, I've got to come over and talk to you." Did it work? No, but I it sure as hell didn't hurt the ego!What can I say? Black men love me.. It's all about the ass. Anyway, I persuaded J to come get me around midnight and I'm pretty sure even that was too late. I was a MESS.. He basically had to tell me our entire car conversation when we spoke the next day. I woke up around 8 am with what felt like a heartbeat in my skull, took some aspirin and went back to bed. I felt much better when I woke up again around 11. Tre and I went to get my car and some grease and we settled in on the couch for the balance of the afternoon. I got totally sucked into a Beauty and the Geek marathon on MTV (on accident) and that's basically how I spent my day.

Tonight I had to go to a wake for my friend Lynn's grandmother. She died on Friday morning and I tried to get together with Lynn all weekend, because I really didn't want the first time I saw her to be at the wake. I wanted to get the whole crying thing out of the way, cause I knew I wouldn't be able to hold it together. I mean, I didn't know her grandmother's name for most of my life, because I called her Gram! She was practically my grandmother too and ever since my grandparents died, grandparent wakes kind of get to me more than they probably should. Anyway, I was doing really well.. then I got to the receiving line. Her aunt says "you girls have to take care of Lynn" and the tears started welling up in my eyes. I got to Lynn's mom and somehow didn't bawl my brains out, but then came Lynn. We both just started to cry, blaming the other one for making them do so. I tried to hold it together but I just couldn't. I know there were other people there I probably should have stopped to see, but seeing Lynn was more than I could take. It's so weird to know exactly what a person is feeling, and not be able to do anything to help them.

Well, on a lighter note, two of my friends had babies this past week. My friend Katie, who I went to high school with and is now living in France, had a baby boy, Eric Paul Yurkewicz, this past weekend. He's very adorable and she was lucky enough to go into labor two weeks early, so they can still have not only their first Christmas in France, but their first Christmas as parents, so congratulations go out to Katie and Adam. I can't wait to see the new addition when they make it back to the States sometime this spring. My friend Crystal (she's my friend Chad's sister) had a baby of her very own last week. I can't wait to make it to Philly to see her and her husband's new house and now, their new baby! Congratulations to Crystal and Mark, and of course, to Chad for finally becoming an uncle! Poor Crystal... now Chad has someone new to corrupt.

I just finished watching Trainspotting. Interesting.. For those of you who've seen it, I couldn't watch the toilet scene. Absolutely repulsive, but I'm glad I finally saw it after hearing so much about it, It certainly lived up to the hype. I also watched Me and You and Everyone We Know this weekend.. Again.. interesting, but I can't say I really liked it. I think it just wasn't what I thought it was going to be and if I could explain it any other way, I would!

I'd write more, but Heroes is on and I need to concentrate since it's the season ender (for now) and with the writers' strike, lord knows when the next time I'll see a new episode will be. Also, I watched the first installment of Tin Man last night and while I'm FAR from a sci fi geek of any sort, I thought it was entertaining. But those damn flying monkeys were creepy..

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Not just your garden variety flying monkeys madam...oh no. Thems were CLEAVAGE DWELLING flying monkeys..easily the weirdest thing in the entire miniseries thus far!!