Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Still Supporting...

Honesty may be the best policy in this situation.

Am I disappointed? Yes, but does that mean I'll turn my back on my boy? No.. I mean, he admits to doing it once and realizes what a mistake he made. I give him a lot of credit for admitting it. I only hope others take his lead and give themselves the opportunity to bow down at the feet of the fans for forgiveness. We all make mistakes, but the public eye magnifies them a million times more. I think if you take the high road, the fans will give the benefit of the doubt. That's why they're fans.

I'm anxious to hear the O's official statement on the situation, and what will happen to B-Rob in the meantime. I mean, can you really penalize him for a one-time thing he admitted to? The jury's still out.

1 comment:

Aamer Waqas Chaudhary said...

Question is: Does sensitivity lead to positivity and practicality?